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llist - linked lists

#include "llist.h"

This is the internal module for linked lists. The API is designed to be flexible but also to avoid dynamic memory allocation.

None of the involved structs should be accessed using struct fields (outside of llist.c). Use the functions.

Setup and shutdown

struct Curl_llist is the struct holding a single linked list. It needs to be initialized with a call to Curl_llist_init() before it can be used

To clean up a list, call Curl_llist_destroy(). Since the linked lists themselves do not allocate memory, it can also be fine to just not clean up the list.

Add a node

There are two functions for adding a node to a linked list:

  1. Add it last in the list with Curl_llist_append
  2. Add it after a specific existing node with Curl_llist_insert_next

When a node is added to a list, it stores an associated custom pointer to anything you like and you provide a pointer to a struct Curl_llist_node struct in which it stores and updates pointers. If you intend to add the same struct to multiple lists concurrently, you need to have one struct Curl_llist_node for each list.

Add a node to a list with Curl_llist_append(list, elem, node). Where

  • list: points to a struct Curl_llist
  • elem: points to what you want added to the list
  • node: is a pointer to a struct Curl_llist_node. Data storage for this node.

Example: to add a struct foobar to a linked list. Add a node struct within it:

struct foobar {
   char *random;
   struct Curl_llist_node storage; /* can be anywhere in the struct */
   char *data;

struct Curl_llist barlist; /* the list for foobar entries */
struct foobar entries[10];

Curl_llist_init(&barlist, NULL);

/* add the first struct to the list */
Curl_llist_append(&barlist, &entries[0], &entries[0].storage);

See also Curl_llist_insert_next.

Remove a node

Remove a node again from a list by calling Curl_llist_remove().


To iterate over a list: first get the head entry and then iterate over the nodes as long there is a next. Each node has an element associated with it, the custom pointer you stored there. Usually a struct pointer or similar.

 struct Curl_llist_node *iter;

 /* get the first entry of the 'barlist' */
 iter = Curl_llist_head(&barlist);

 while(iter) {
   /* extract the element pointer from the node */
   struct foobar *elem = Curl_node_elem(iter);

   /* advance to the next node in the list */
   iter = Curl_node_next(iter);

Function overview


void Curl_llist_init(struct Curl_llist *list, Curl_llist_dtor dtor);

Initializes the list. The argument dtor is NULL or a function pointer that gets called when list nodes are removed from this list.

The function is infallible.

typedef void (*Curl_llist_dtor)(void *user, void *elem);

dtor is called with two arguments: user and elem. The first being the user pointer passed in to Curl_llist_remove()or Curl_llist_destroy() and the second is the elem pointer associated with removed node. The pointer that Curl_node_elem() would have returned for that node.


void Curl_llist_destroy(struct Curl_llist *list, void *user);

This removes all nodes from the list. This leaves the list in a cleared state.

The function is infallible.


void Curl_llist_append(struct Curl_llist *list,
                       const void *elem, struct Curl_llist_node *node);

Adds node last in the list with a custom pointer to elem.

The function is infallible.


void Curl_llist_insert_next(struct Curl_llist *list,
                            struct Curl_llist_node *node,
                            const void *elem,
                            struct Curl_llist_node *node);

Adds node to the list with a custom pointer to elem immediately after the previous list node.

The function is infallible.


struct Curl_llist_node *Curl_llist_head(struct Curl_llist *list);

Returns a pointer to the first node of the list, or a NULL if empty.


void Curl_node_uremove(struct Curl_llist_node *node, void *user);

Removes the node the list it was previously added to. Passes the user pointer to the list's destructor function if one was setup.

The function is infallible.


void Curl_node_remove(struct Curl_llist_node *node);

Removes the node the list it was previously added to. Passes a NULL pointer to the list's destructor function if one was setup.

The function is infallible.


void *Curl_node_elem(struct Curl_llist_node *node);

Given a list node, this function returns the associated element.


struct Curl_llist_node *Curl_node_next(struct Curl_llist_node *node);

Given a list node, this function returns the next node in the list.