{ "file_format_version": "1.2.0", "layer": { "name": "VK_LAYER_LUNARG_api_dump", "type": "GLOBAL", "library_path": "../../../lib/libVkLayer_api_dump.dylib", "api_version": "1.3.290", "implementation_version": "2", "description": "LunarG API dump layer", "introduction": "The API Dump utility layer prints API calls, parameters, and values to the identified output stream.", "url": "https://vulkan.lunarg.com/doc/sdk/latest/windows/api_dump_layer.html", "platforms": [ "WINDOWS", "LINUX", "MACOS", "ANDROID" ], "instance_extensions": [ { "name": "VK_EXT_layer_settings", "spec_version": "2" } ], "device_extensions": [ { "name": "VK_EXT_tooling_info", "spec_version": "1", "entrypoints": [ "vkGetPhysicalDeviceToolPropertiesEXT" ] } ], "features": { "presets": [ { "label": "Console Output", "description": "Output API dump to stdout", "platforms": [ "WINDOWS", "LINUX", "MACOS", "ANDROID" ], "status": "STABLE", "settings": [ { "key": "output_format", "value": "text" }, { "key": "log_filename", "value": "stdout" }, { "key": "file", "value": false } ] }, { "label": "Text Output", "description": "Output API dump to a text file", "platforms": [ "WINDOWS", "LINUX", "MACOS", "ANDROID" ], "status": "STABLE", "settings": [ { "key": "output_format", "value": "text" }, { "key": "log_filename", "value": "${VK_LOCAL}/vk_apidump.txt" }, { "key": "file", "value": true } ] }, { "label": "HTML Output", "description": "Output API dump to a HTML file", "platforms": [ "WINDOWS", "LINUX", "MACOS", "ANDROID" ], "status": "STABLE", "settings": [ { "key": "output_format", "value": "html" }, { "key": "log_filename", "value": "${VK_LOCAL}/vk_apidump.html" }, { "key": "file", "value": true } ] }, { "label": "JSON Output", "description": "Output API dump to a JSON file", "platforms": [ "WINDOWS", "LINUX", "MACOS", "ANDROID" ], "status": "STABLE", "settings": [ { "key": "output_format", "value": "json" }, { "key": "log_filename", "value": "${VK_LOCAL}/vk_apidump.json" }, { "key": "file", "value": true } ] } ], "settings": [ { "key": "output_range", "env": "VK_APIDUMP_OUTPUT_RANGE", "label": "Output Range", "description": "Comma separated list of frames to output or a range of frames with a start, count, and optional interval separated by a dash. A count of 0 will output every frame after the start of the range. Example: \"5-8-2\" will output frame 5, continue until frame 13, dumping every other frame. Example: \"3,8-2\" will output frames 3, 8, and 9.", "type": "STRING", "default": "0-0" }, { "key": "output_format", "env": "VK_APIDUMP_OUTPUT_FORMAT", "label": "Output Format", "description": "Specifies the format used for output; can be HTML, JSON, or Text (default -- outputs plain text)", "type": "ENUM", "flags": [ { "key": "text", "label": "Text", "description": "Plain text" }, { "key": "html", "label": "HTML", "description": "HTML" }, { "key": "json", "label": "JSON", "description": "Json" } ], "default": "text" }, { "key": "file", "label": "Output to File", "description": "Setting this to true indicates that output should be written to file instead of stdout", "type": "BOOL", "default": false, "settings": [ { "key": "log_filename", "env": "VK_APIDUMP_LOG_FILENAME", "label": "Log Filename", "description": "Specifies the file to dump to when output files are enabled", "type": "SAVE_FILE", "filter": "*.txt,*.html,*.json", "default": "stdout", "dependence": { "mode": "ALL", "settings": [ { "key": "file", "value": true } ] } } ] }, { "key": "flush", "env": "VK_APIDUMP_FLUSH", "label": "Log Flush After Write", "description": "Setting this to true causes IO to be flushed after each API call that is written", "type": "BOOL", "default": true }, { "key": "name_size", "label": "Name Size", "description": "The number of characters the name of a variable should consume, assuming more are not required", "type": "INT", "default": 32, "range": { "min": 1 }, "unit": "chars" }, { "key": "show_types", "label": "Show Types", "description": "Dump types in addition to values", "type": "BOOL", "default": true, "settings": [ { "key": "type_size", "label": "Type Size", "description": "The number of characters the name of a type should consume, assuming more are not required", "type": "INT", "default": 0, "range": { "min": 0 }, "dependence": { "mode": "ALL", "settings": [ { "key": "show_types", "value": true } ] } } ] }, { "key": "timestamp", "env": "VK_APIDUMP_TIMESTAMP", "label": "Show Timestamp", "description": "Show the timestamp of function calls since start in microseconds", "type": "BOOL", "default": false }, { "key": "show_shader", "label": "Show Shader", "description": "Dump the shader binary code in pCode", "type": "BOOL", "default": false }, { "key": "detailed", "env": "VK_APIDUMP_DETAILED", "label": "Show Parameter Details", "description": "Dump parameter details in addition to API calls", "type": "BOOL", "default": true }, { "key": "no_addr", "env": "VK_APIDUMP_NO_ADDR", "label": "Hide Addresses", "description": "Dump \"address\" in place of hex addresses", "type": "BOOL", "default": false }, { "key": "use_spaces", "label": "Use Spaces", "description": "Setting this to true causes all tab characters to be replaced with spaces", "type": "BOOL", "default": true, "settings": [ { "key": "indent_size", "label": "Indent Size", "description": "Specifies the number of spaces that a tab is equal to", "type": "INT", "default": 4, "range": { "min": 1, "max": 16 }, "unit": "chars", "dependence": { "mode": "ALL", "settings": [ { "key": "use_spaces", "value": true } ] } } ] }, { "key": "show_thread_and_frame", "label": "Show Thread and Frame", "description": "Show the thread and frame of each function called", "type": "BOOL", "default": true } ] } } }