2025-01-15 23:11:09 -05:00
{pkgs, ...}:
2024-06-26 03:14:20 -04:00
with pkgs; {
imports = [
home.packages = [
2024-12-18 01:12:10 -05:00
2024-06-26 03:14:20 -04:00
wayland.windowManager.hyprland = {
2024-12-03 00:53:48 -05:00
enable = true;
2024-06-26 03:14:20 -04:00
systemd.variables = ["--all"];
settings = let
2024-12-18 01:12:10 -05:00
rofi-clipboard = pkgs.writeScript "rofi-clipboard" ''
2024-06-26 03:14:20 -04:00
rm -rf "$tmp_dir"
if [[ -n "$1" ]]; then
cliphist decode <<<"$1" | wl-copy
mkdir -p "$tmp_dir"
read -r -d "" prog <<EOF
/^[0-9]+\s<meta http-equiv=/ { next }
match(\$0, /^([0-9]+)\s(\[\[\s)?binary.*(jpg|jpeg|png|bmp)/, grp) {
system("echo " grp[1] "\\\\\t | cliphist decode >$tmp_dir/"grp[1]"."grp[3])
print \$0"\0icon\x1f$tmp_dir/"grp[1]"."grp[3]
2024-07-28 02:49:27 -04:00
2024-06-26 03:14:20 -04:00
cliphist list | gawk "$prog"
2024-12-18 01:12:10 -05:00
scratchpad = pkgs.writeScript "hyprscratchpad" ''
2024-06-26 03:14:20 -04:00
if [[ $(hyprctl clients | grep -v '"title":' | grep "class: $CLASS") ]];then
hyprctl dispatch togglespecialworkspace $WORKSPACE
hyprctl dispatch togglespecialworkspace $WORKSPACE && hyprctl dispatch exec "$COMMAND"
mod = "SUPER";
modC = "SUPER CTRL";
2024-12-23 23:59:01 -05:00
browser = "zen";
2024-12-18 01:12:10 -05:00
colorPicker = "notify-send -i gtk-color-picker $(${lib.getExe hyprpicker} -a) 'Copied to clipboard.'";
2024-06-26 03:14:20 -04:00
fileManager = "nautilus";
launcher = "rofi -show drun";
2024-12-18 01:12:10 -05:00
clipboard = "rofi -modi ' ':${rofi-clipboard} -show ' ' -show-icons";
2024-06-26 03:14:20 -04:00
terminal = "wezterm";
2024-12-18 01:12:10 -05:00
screenshot = mode: "${lib.getExe hyprshot} --clipboard-only -m ${mode}";
2024-06-26 03:14:20 -04:00
in {
2024-12-18 01:12:10 -05:00
decoration.rounding = 5;
2024-06-26 03:14:20 -04:00
dwindle.preserve_split = true;
gestures.workspace_swipe = true;
2024-12-18 01:12:10 -05:00
2024-12-23 23:59:01 -05:00
# plugin.dynamic-cursors = {
# enabled = true;
# mode = "rotate";
# };
cursor = {
no_hardware_cursors = 0;
use_cpu_buffer = true;
2024-12-19 00:33:27 -05:00
2024-06-26 03:14:20 -04:00
input.touchpad = {
clickfinger_behavior = true;
natural_scroll = true;
2024-05-28 04:08:06 -04:00
2024-06-26 03:14:20 -04:00
device = [
2024-12-18 01:12:10 -05:00
name = "logitech-usb-receiver";
2024-07-28 02:49:27 -04:00
sensitivity = -0.5;
2024-06-26 03:14:20 -04:00
2024-05-28 04:08:06 -04:00
2024-06-26 03:14:20 -04:00
windowrule = [
2024-12-18 01:12:10 -05:00
"float, ^(equibop)$"
2024-06-26 03:14:20 -04:00
"float, ^(org.telegram.desktop)$"
2024-05-28 04:08:06 -04:00
2024-06-26 03:14:20 -04:00
layerrule = [
"dimaround, rofi"
2024-06-16 01:52:32 -04:00
2024-06-26 03:14:20 -04:00
animations = {
enabled = true;
2024-05-28 04:08:06 -04:00
2024-06-26 03:14:20 -04:00
bezier = [
2024-05-28 04:08:06 -04:00
2024-06-26 03:14:20 -04:00
animation = [
2024-05-28 04:08:06 -04:00
2024-06-26 03:14:20 -04:00
2024-05-28 04:08:06 -04:00
2024-06-26 03:14:20 -04:00
general = {
border_size = 2;
gaps_in = 10;
resize_on_border = true;
2024-05-28 04:08:06 -04:00
2024-12-19 00:33:27 -05:00
"col.active_border" = "rgba(f38ba8ee) rgba(fab387ee) rgba(a6e3a1ee) rgba(89dcebee) rgba(89b4faee) rgba(cba6f7ee) 45deg";
2024-06-26 03:14:20 -04:00
"col.inactive_border" = "rgba(595959aa)";
2024-05-28 04:08:06 -04:00
2024-06-26 03:14:20 -04:00
exec-once = [
2024-12-18 01:12:10 -05:00
2025-01-15 23:11:09 -05:00
"swww img ${./walls/blaidd.png}"
# "${writeScript "wallpaper" ''
# while : ; do
# for file in $(${uutils-coreutils}/bin/uutils-ls ${./walls}/*.jpg | sort -R | tail -1); do
# swww img "$file" --transition-fps 165
# sleep 5m
# done
# done
# ''}"
2024-06-26 03:14:20 -04:00
2024-05-28 04:08:06 -04:00
2024-06-26 03:14:20 -04:00
misc = {
force_default_wallpaper = 0;
disable_hyprland_logo = true;
2024-05-28 04:08:06 -04:00
2024-06-26 03:14:20 -04:00
monitor = [
"DP-1, 2560x1440@165, auto, auto"
env = [
# Nvidia stuff
2024-12-03 00:53:48 -05:00
"NVD_BACKEND, direct"
2024-06-26 03:14:20 -04:00
# Cursors
2024-12-19 00:33:27 -05:00
2024-06-26 03:14:20 -04:00
bindm = [
"${mod}, mouse:272, movewindow"
"${mod}, mouse:273, resizewindow"
bind =
# Apps
"${mod}, v, exec, ${clipboard}"
"${mod}, c, exec, ${colorPicker}"
"${mod}, w, exec, ${browser}"
"${mod}, e, exec, ${fileManager}"
"${mod}, r, exec, ${launcher}"
"${mod}, Return, exec, ${terminal}"
# Scratchpads
2024-12-18 01:12:10 -05:00
"${mod}, d, exec, ${scratchpad} equibop equibop equibop"
"${mod}, t, exec, ${scratchpad} telegram-desktop org.telegram.desktop telegram"
2024-06-26 03:14:20 -04:00
# Screenshots
"${modS}, s, exec, ${screenshot "window"}"
"${modC}, 3, exec, ${screenshot "output -c"}"
"${modC}, 4, exec, ${screenshot "region -C 0,0"}"
# Mouse controls
"${mod}, mouse_down, workspace, e-1"
"${mod}, mouse_up, workspace, e+1"
# Quitting
"${mod}, q, killactive"
"${modS}, q, exit"
# Toggles
"${mod}, Space, togglefloating"
# Focus movements
"${mod}, h, movefocus, l"
"${mod}, j, movefocus, d"
"${mod}, k, movefocus, u"
"${mod}, l, movefocus, r"
# Window movements
"${modS}, h, movewindow, l"
"${modS}, j, movewindow, d"
"${modS}, k, movewindow, u"
"${modS}, l, movewindow, r"
# Window resizing
"${modC}, h, resizeactive, -30 0"
"${modC}, j, resizeactive, 0 30"
"${modC}, k, resizeactive, 0 -30"
"${modC}, l, resizeactive, 30 0"
2024-07-28 02:49:27 -04:00
# Volume controls
", XF86AudioRaiseVolume, exec, wpctl set-volume @DEFAULT_AUDIO_SINK@ 5%+"
", XF86AudioLowerVolume, exec, wpctl set-volume @DEFAULT_AUDIO_SINK@ 5%-"
", XF86AudioMute, exec, wpctl set-mute @DEFAULT_AUDIO_SINK@ toggle"
# Media controls
", XF86AudioPlay, exec, playerctl play-pause"
", XF86AudioNext, exec, playerctl next"
", XF86AudioPrev, exec, playerctl previous"
2024-06-26 03:14:20 -04:00
++ (
builtins.concatLists (builtins.genList (
x: let
ws = let
c = (x + 1) / 10;
builtins.toString (x + 1 - (c * 10));
in [
# Workspaces
"${mod}, ${ws}, workspace, ${builtins.toString (x + 1)}"
"${modS}, ${ws}, movetoworkspace, ${builtins.toString (x + 1)}"
2024-05-28 04:08:06 -04:00
2024-06-26 03:14:20 -04:00