2024-06-08 14:10:59 -04:00

698 lines
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#include <algorithm>
#include <string_view>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include "Field.hpp"
#include "Literal.hpp"
#include "get.hpp"
#include "internal/StringLiteral.hpp"
#include "internal/find_index.hpp"
#include "internal/no_duplicate_field_names.hpp"
namespace rfl {
/// A named tuple behaves like std::tuple,
/// but the fields have explicit names, which
/// allows for reflection.
/// IMPORTANT: We have two template specializations. One with fields, one
/// without fields.
template <class... FieldTypes>
class NamedTuple;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <class... FieldTypes>
class NamedTuple {
using Fields = std::tuple<std::remove_cvref_t<FieldTypes>...>;
using Names = Literal<std::remove_cvref_t<FieldTypes>::name_...>;
using Values =
std::tuple<typename std::remove_cvref_t<FieldTypes>::Type...>;
/// Construct from the values.
NamedTuple(typename std::remove_cvref<FieldTypes>::type::Type&&... _values)
: values_(
std::forward<typename std::remove_cvref<FieldTypes>::type::Type>(
_values)...) {
"Duplicate field names are not allowed");
/// Construct from the values.
const typename std::remove_cvref<FieldTypes>::type::Type&... _values)
: values_(std::make_tuple(_values...)) {
"Duplicate field names are not allowed");
/// Construct from the fields.
NamedTuple(FieldTypes&&... _fields)
: values_(std::make_tuple(std::move(_fields.value_)...)) {
"Duplicate field names are not allowed");
/// Construct from the fields.
NamedTuple(const FieldTypes&... _fields)
: values_(std::make_tuple(_fields.value_...)) {
"Duplicate field names are not allowed");
/// Construct from a tuple containing fields.
NamedTuple(std::tuple<FieldTypes...>&& _tup)
: NamedTuple(std::make_from_tuple<NamedTuple<FieldTypes...>>(
std::forward<std::tuple<FieldTypes...>>(_tup))) {
"Duplicate field names are not allowed");
/// Construct from a tuple containing fields.
NamedTuple(const std::tuple<FieldTypes...>& _tup)
: NamedTuple(std::make_from_tuple<NamedTuple<FieldTypes...>>(_tup)) {
"Duplicate field names are not allowed");
/// Copy constructor.
NamedTuple(const NamedTuple<FieldTypes...>& _other) = default;
/// Move constructor.
NamedTuple(NamedTuple<FieldTypes...>&& _other) = default;
/// Copy constructor.
template <class... OtherFieldTypes>
NamedTuple(const NamedTuple<OtherFieldTypes...>& _other)
: NamedTuple(retrieve_fields(_other.fields())) {
"Duplicate field names are not allowed");
/// Move constructor.
template <class... OtherFieldTypes>
NamedTuple(NamedTuple<OtherFieldTypes...>&& _other)
: NamedTuple(retrieve_fields(_other.fields())) {
"Duplicate field names are not allowed");
~NamedTuple() = default;
/// Returns a new named tuple with additional fields.
template <internal::StringLiteral _name, class FType, class... Tail>
auto add(Field<_name, FType>&& _head, Tail&&... _tail) {
using Head = Field<_name, FType>;
if constexpr (sizeof...(Tail) > 0) {
return NamedTuple<FieldTypes..., std::remove_cvref_t<Head>>(
make_fields<1, Head>(std::forward<Head>(_head)))
} else {
return NamedTuple<FieldTypes..., std::remove_cvref_t<Head>>(
make_fields<1, Head>(std::forward<Head>(_head)));
/// Returns a new named tuple with additional fields.
template <internal::StringLiteral _name, class FType, class... Tail>
auto add(Field<_name, FType> _head, const Tail&... _tail) const {
using Head = Field<_name, FType>;
if constexpr (sizeof...(Tail) > 0) {
return NamedTuple<FieldTypes..., std::remove_cvref_t<Head>>(
make_fields<1, Head>(_head))
} else {
return NamedTuple<FieldTypes..., std::remove_cvref_t<Head>>(
make_fields<1, Head>(_head));
/// Template specialization for std::tuple, so we can pass fields from other
/// named tuples.
template <class... TupContent, class... Tail>
auto add(std::tuple<TupContent...>&& _tuple, Tail&&... _tail) {
if constexpr (sizeof...(Tail) > 0) {
return add_tuple(std::forward<std::tuple<TupContent...>>(_tuple))
} else {
return add_tuple(std::forward<std::tuple<TupContent...>>(_tuple));
/// Template specialization for std::tuple, so we can pass fields from other
/// named tuples.
template <class... TupContent, class... Tail>
auto add(std::tuple<TupContent...> _tuple, const Tail&... _tail) const {
if constexpr (sizeof...(Tail) > 0) {
return add_tuple(std::move(_tuple)).add(_tail...);
} else {
return add_tuple(std::move(_tuple));
/// Template specialization for NamedTuple, so we can pass fields from other
/// named tuples.
template <class... TupContent, class... Tail>
auto add(NamedTuple<TupContent...>&& _named_tuple, Tail&&... _tail) {
return add(std::forward<std::tuple<TupContent...>>(_named_tuple.fields()),
/// Template specialization for NamedTuple, so we can pass fields from other
/// named tuples.
template <class... TupContent, class... Tail>
auto add(NamedTuple<TupContent...> _named_tuple,
const Tail&... _tail) const {
return add(_named_tuple.fields(), _tail...);
/// Creates a new named tuple by applying the supplied function to
/// field. The function is expected to return a named tuple itself.
template <typename F>
auto and_then(const F& _f) {
const auto transform_field = [&_f](auto... _fields) {
return std::tuple_cat(_f(std::move(_fields)).fields()...);
const auto to_nt =
[]<class... NewFields>(std::tuple<NewFields...>&& _tup) {
return NamedTuple<NewFields...>(_tup);
auto new_fields = std::apply(transform_field, std::move(fields()));
return to_nt(std::move(new_fields));
/// Creates a new named tuple by applying the supplied function to
/// field. The function is expected to return a named tuple itself.
template <typename F>
auto and_then(const F& _f) const {
const auto transform_field = [&_f](auto... _fields) {
return std::tuple_cat(_f(std::move(_fields)).fields()...);
const auto to_nt =
[]<class... NewFields>(std::tuple<NewFields...>&& _tup) {
return NamedTuple<NewFields...>(_tup);
auto new_fields = std::apply(transform_field, std::move(fields()));
return to_nt(std::move(new_fields));
/// Invokes a callable object once for each field in order.
template <typename F>
void apply(F&& _f) {
const auto apply_to_field =
[&_f]<typename... AFields>(AFields&&... fields) {
((_f(std::forward<AFields>(fields))), ...);
std::apply(apply_to_field, fields());
/// Invokes a callable object once for each field in order.
template <typename F>
void apply(F&& _f) const {
const auto apply_to_field = [&_f](const auto&... fields) {
((_f(fields)), ...);
std::apply(apply_to_field, fields());
/// Returns a tuple containing the fields.
Fields fields() { return make_fields(); }
/// Returns a tuple containing the fields.
Fields fields() const { return make_fields(); }
/// Gets a field by index.
template <int _index>
auto& get() {
return rfl::get<_index>(*this);
/// Gets a field by name.
template <internal::StringLiteral _field_name>
auto& get() {
return rfl::get<_field_name>(*this);
/// Gets a field by the field type.
template <class Field>
auto& get() {
return rfl::get<Field>(*this);
/// Gets a field by index.
template <int _index>
const auto& get() const {
return rfl::get<_index>(*this);
/// Gets a field by name.
template <internal::StringLiteral _field_name>
const auto& get() const {
return rfl::get<_field_name>(*this);
/// Gets a field by the field type.
template <class Field>
const auto& get() const {
return rfl::get<Field>(*this);
/// Returns the results wrapped in a field.
template <internal::StringLiteral _field_name>
auto get_field() const {
return rfl::make_field<_field_name>(rfl::get<_field_name>(*this));
/// Copy assignment operator.
NamedTuple<FieldTypes...>& operator=(
const NamedTuple<FieldTypes...>& _other) = default;
/// Move assignment operator.
NamedTuple<FieldTypes...>& operator=(
NamedTuple<FieldTypes...>&& _other) noexcept = default;
/// Equality operator
inline auto operator==(const rfl::NamedTuple<FieldTypes...>& _other) const {
return values() == _other.values();
/// Inequality operator
inline auto operator!=(const rfl::NamedTuple<FieldTypes...>& _other) const {
return !(*this == _other);
/// Replaces one or several fields, returning a new version
/// with the non-replaced fields left unchanged.
template <internal::StringLiteral _name, class FType, class... OtherRFields>
auto replace(Field<_name, FType>&& _field,
OtherRFields&&... _other_fields) {
using RField = Field<_name, FType>;
constexpr auto num_other_fields = sizeof...(OtherRFields);
if constexpr (num_other_fields == 0) {
return replace_value<RField>(_field.value_);
} else {
return replace_value<RField>(_field.value_)
/// Replaces one or several fields, returning a new version
/// with the non-replaced fields left unchanged.
template <internal::StringLiteral _name, class FType, class... OtherRFields>
auto replace(Field<_name, FType> _field,
const OtherRFields&... _other_fields) const {
using RField = Field<_name, FType>;
constexpr auto num_other_fields = sizeof...(OtherRFields);
if constexpr (num_other_fields == 0) {
return replace_value<RField>(std::move(_field.value_));
} else {
return replace_value<RField>(std::move(_field.value_))
/// Template specialization for std::tuple, so we can pass fields from other
/// named tuples.
template <class... TupContent, class... Tail>
auto replace(std::tuple<TupContent...>&& _tuple, Tail&&... _tail) {
if constexpr (sizeof...(Tail) > 0) {
return replace_tuple(std::forward<std::tuple<TupContent...>>(_tuple))
} else {
return replace_tuple(std::forward<std::tuple<TupContent...>>(_tuple));
/// Template specialization for std::tuple, so we can pass fields from other
/// named tuples.
template <class... TupContent, class... Tail>
auto replace(std::tuple<TupContent...> _tuple, const Tail&... _tail) const {
if constexpr (sizeof...(Tail) > 0) {
return replace_tuple(std::move(_tuple)).replace(_tail...);
} else {
return replace_tuple(std::move(_tuple));
/// Template specialization for NamedTuple, so we can pass fields from other
/// named tuples.
template <class... TupContent, class... Tail>
auto replace(NamedTuple<TupContent...>&& _named_tuple, Tail&&... _tail) {
return replace(
/// Template specialization for NamedTuple, so we can pass fields from other
/// named tuples.
template <class... TupContent, class... Tail>
auto replace(NamedTuple<TupContent...> _named_tuple,
const Tail&... _tail) const {
return replace(_named_tuple.fields(), _tail...);
/// Returns the size of the named tuple
static constexpr size_t size() { return std::tuple_size_v<Values>; }
/// Creates a new named tuple by applying the supplied function to every
/// field.
template <typename F>
auto transform(const F& _f) {
const auto transform_field = [&_f](auto... fields) {
return std::make_tuple(_f(std::move(fields))...);
const auto to_nt =
[]<class... NewFields>(std::tuple<NewFields...>&& _tup) {
return NamedTuple<NewFields...>(_tup);
auto new_fields = std::apply(transform_field, std::move(fields()));
return to_nt(std::move(new_fields));
/// Creates a new named tuple by applying the supplied function to every
/// field.
template <typename F>
auto transform(const F& _f) const {
const auto transform_field = [&_f](auto... fields) {
return std::make_tuple(_f(std::move(fields))...);
const auto to_nt =
[]<class... NewFields>(std::tuple<NewFields...>&& _tup) {
return NamedTuple<NewFields...>(_tup);
auto new_fields = std::apply(transform_field, std::move(fields()));
return to_nt(std::move(new_fields));
/// Returns the underlying std::tuple.
Values& values() { return values_; }
/// Returns the underlying std::tuple.
const Values& values() const { return values_; }
/// Adds the elements of a tuple to a newly created named tuple,
/// and other elements to a newly created named tuple.
template <class... TupContent>
constexpr auto add_tuple(std::tuple<TupContent...>&& _tuple) {
const auto a = [this](auto&&... _fields) {
return this->add(std::forward<TupContent>(_fields)...);
return std::apply(a, std::forward<std::tuple<TupContent...>>(_tuple));
/// Adds the elements of a tuple to a newly created named tuple,
/// and other elements to a newly created named tuple.
template <class... TupContent>
constexpr auto add_tuple(std::tuple<TupContent...>&& _tuple) const {
const auto a = [this](auto&&... _fields) {
return this->add(std::forward<TupContent>(_fields)...);
return std::apply(a, std::forward<std::tuple<TupContent...>>(_tuple));
/// Generates the fields.
template <int num_additional_fields = 0, class... Args>
auto make_fields(Args&&... _args) {
constexpr auto size = sizeof...(Args) - num_additional_fields;
constexpr auto num_fields = std::tuple_size_v<Fields>;
constexpr auto i = num_fields - size - 1;
constexpr bool retrieved_all_fields = size == num_fields;
if constexpr (retrieved_all_fields) {
return std::make_tuple(std::forward<Args>(_args)...);
} else {
// When we add additional fields, it is more intuitive to add
// them to the end, that is why we do it like this.
using FieldType = typename std::tuple_element<i, Fields>::type;
using T = std::remove_cvref_t<typename FieldType::Type>;
return make_fields<num_additional_fields>(
/// Generates the fields.
template <int num_additional_fields = 0, class... Args>
auto make_fields(Args... _args) const {
constexpr auto size = sizeof...(Args) - num_additional_fields;
constexpr auto num_fields = std::tuple_size_v<Fields>;
constexpr auto i = num_fields - size - 1;
constexpr bool retrieved_all_fields = size == num_fields;
if constexpr (retrieved_all_fields) {
return std::make_tuple(std::move(_args)...);
} else {
// When we add additional fields, it is more intuitive to add
// them to the end, that is why we do it like this.
using FieldType = typename std::tuple_element<i, Fields>::type;
return make_fields<num_additional_fields>(
FieldType(std::get<i>(values_)), std::move(_args)...);
/// Generates a new named tuple with one value replaced with a new value.
template <int _index, class V, class T, class... Args>
auto make_replaced(V&& _values, T&& _val, Args&&... _args) const {
constexpr auto size = sizeof...(Args);
constexpr bool retrieved_all_fields = size == std::tuple_size_v<Fields>;
if constexpr (retrieved_all_fields) {
return NamedTuple<FieldTypes...>(std::forward<Args>(_args)...);
} else {
using FieldType = typename std::tuple_element<size, Fields>::type;
if constexpr (size == _index) {
return make_replaced<_index, V, T>(
std::forward<V>(_values), std::forward<T>(_val),
std::forward<Args>(_args)..., FieldType(std::forward<T>(_val)));
} else {
using U = typename FieldType::Type;
return make_replaced<_index, V, T>(
std::forward<V>(_values), std::forward<T>(_val),
/// We cannot allow duplicate field names.
constexpr static bool no_duplicate_field_names() {
return internal::no_duplicate_field_names<Fields>();
/// Replaced the field signified by the field type.
template <class Field, class T>
NamedTuple<FieldTypes...> replace_value(T&& _val) {
using FieldType = std::remove_cvref_t<Field>;
constexpr auto index = internal::find_index<FieldType::name_, Fields>();
return make_replaced<index, Values, T>(std::forward<Values>(values_),
/// Replaced the field signified by the field type.
template <class Field, class T>
NamedTuple<FieldTypes...> replace_value(T&& _val) const {
using FieldType = std::remove_cvref_t<Field>;
constexpr auto index = internal::find_index<FieldType::name_, Fields>();
auto values = values_;
return make_replaced<index, Values, T>(std::move(values),
/// Adds the elements of a tuple to a newly created named tuple,
/// and other elements to a newly created named tuple.
template <class... TupContent>
auto replace_tuple(std::tuple<TupContent...>&& _tuple) {
const auto r = [this](auto&&... _fields) {
return this->replace(std::forward<TupContent>(_fields)...);
return std::apply(r, std::forward<std::tuple<TupContent...>>(_tuple));
/// Adds the elements of a tuple to a newly created named tuple,
/// and other elements to a newly created named tuple.
template <class... TupContent>
auto replace_tuple(std::tuple<TupContent...>&& _tuple) const {
const auto r = [this](auto&&... _fields) {
return this->replace(std::forward<TupContent>(_fields)...);
return std::apply(r, std::forward<std::tuple<TupContent...>>(_tuple));
/// Retrieves the fields from another tuple.
template <class... OtherFieldTypes, class... Args>
constexpr static Fields retrieve_fields(
std::tuple<OtherFieldTypes...>&& _other_fields,
Args&&... _args) {
constexpr auto size = sizeof...(Args);
constexpr bool retrieved_all_fields = size == std::tuple_size_v<Fields>;
if constexpr (retrieved_all_fields) {
return std::make_tuple(std::forward<Args>(_args)...);
} else {
constexpr auto field_name =
std::tuple_element<size, Fields>::type::name_;
constexpr auto index =
internal::find_index<field_name, std::tuple<OtherFieldTypes...>>();
using FieldType = typename std::tuple_element<size, Fields>::type;
using T = std::remove_cvref_t<typename FieldType::Type>;
return retrieve_fields(
/// The values actually contained in the named tuple.
/// As you can see, a NamedTuple is just a normal tuple under-the-hood,
/// everything else is resolved at compile time. It should have no
/// runtime overhead over a normal std::tuple.
Values values_;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// We need a special template instantiation for empty named tuples.
template <>
class NamedTuple<> {
using Fields = std::tuple<>;
using Names = Literal<>;
using Values = std::tuple<>;
NamedTuple() {};
~NamedTuple() = default;
/// Returns a new named tuple with additional fields.
template <internal::StringLiteral _name, class FType, class... Tail>
auto add(Field<_name, FType> _head, const Tail&... _tail) const {
if constexpr (sizeof...(Tail) > 0) {
return NamedTuple<Field<_name, FType>>(std::move(_head)).add(_tail...);
} else {
return NamedTuple<Field<_name, FType>>(std::move(_head));
/// Template specialization for std::tuple, so we can pass fields from other
/// named tuples.
template <class... TupContent, class... Tail>
auto add(std::tuple<TupContent...> _tuple, const Tail&... _tail) const {
if constexpr (sizeof...(Tail) > 0) {
return NamedTuple<TupContent...>(std::move(_tuple)).add(_tail...);
} else {
return NamedTuple<TupContent...>(std::move(_tuple));
/// Template specialization for NamedTuple, so we can pass fields from other
/// named tuples.
template <class... TupContent, class... Tail>
auto add(NamedTuple<TupContent...> _named_tuple,
const Tail&... _tail) const {
return add(_named_tuple.fields(), _tail...);
/// Returns an empty named tuple.
template <typename F>
auto and_then(const F& _f) const {
return NamedTuple<>();
/// Does nothing at all.
template <typename F>
void apply(F&& _f) const {}
/// Returns an empty tuple.
auto fields() const { return std::tuple(); }
/// Must always be 0.
static constexpr size_t size() { return 0; }
/// Returns an empty named tuple.
template <typename F>
auto transform(const F& _f) const {
return NamedTuple<>();
/// Returns an empty tuple.
auto values() const { return std::tuple(); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <internal::StringLiteral _name1,
class Type1,
internal::StringLiteral _name2,
class Type2>
inline auto operator*(const rfl::Field<_name1, Type1>& _f1,
const rfl::Field<_name2, Type2>& _f2) {
return NamedTuple(_f1, _f2);
template <internal::StringLiteral _name, class Type, class... FieldTypes>
inline auto operator*(const NamedTuple<FieldTypes...>& _tup,
const rfl::Field<_name, Type>& _f) {
return _tup.add(_f);
template <internal::StringLiteral _name, class Type, class... FieldTypes>
inline auto operator*(const rfl::Field<_name, Type>& _f,
const NamedTuple<FieldTypes...>& _tup) {
return NamedTuple(_f).add(_tup);
template <class... FieldTypes1, class... FieldTypes2>
inline auto operator*(const NamedTuple<FieldTypes1...>& _tup1,
const NamedTuple<FieldTypes2...>& _tup2) {
return _tup1.add(_tup2);
template <internal::StringLiteral _name1,
class Type1,
internal::StringLiteral _name2,
class Type2>
inline auto operator*(rfl::Field<_name1, Type1>&& _f1,
rfl::Field<_name2, Type2>&& _f2) {
return NamedTuple(std::forward<Field<_name1, Type1>>(_f1),
std::forward<Field<_name2, Type2>>(_f2));
template <internal::StringLiteral _name, class Type, class... FieldTypes>
inline auto operator*(NamedTuple<FieldTypes...>&& _tup,
rfl::Field<_name, Type>&& _f) {
return _tup.add(std::forward<Field<_name, Type>>(_f));
template <internal::StringLiteral _name, class Type, class... FieldTypes>
inline auto operator*(rfl::Field<_name, Type>&& _f,
NamedTuple<FieldTypes...>&& _tup) {
return NamedTuple(std::forward<Field<_name, Type>>(_f))
template <class... FieldTypes1, class... FieldTypes2>
inline auto operator*(NamedTuple<FieldTypes1...>&& _tup1,
NamedTuple<FieldTypes2...>&& _tup2) {
return _tup1.add(std::forward<NamedTuple<FieldTypes2...>>(_tup2));
} // namespace rfl