64 lines
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64 lines
2.3 KiB
#include "quill/Backend.h"
#include "quill/Frontend.h"
#include "quill/LogMacros.h"
#include "quill/Logger.h"
#include "quill/sinks/ConsoleSink.h"
#include "quill/sinks/JsonFileSink.h"
#include <utility>
* This example showcases the usage of the JsonFileSink to generate JSON-formatted logs.
* Additionally, it demonstrates how to simultaneously log in both the standard logger output
* format, e.g., to console and the corresponding JSON format to a JSON output sink.
* For successful JSON logging, it's essential to use named placeholders within the provided
* format string, such as "{method}" and "{endpoint}".
int main()
// Start the backend thread
quill::BackendOptions backend_options;
// Frontend
// Create a json file for output
auto json_sink = quill::Frontend::create_or_get_sink<quill::JsonFileSink>(
quill::JsonFileSinkConfig cfg;
return cfg;
// When using the JsonFileSink, it is ideal to set the logging pattern to empty to avoid unnecessary message formatting.
quill::Logger* json_logger = quill::Frontend::create_or_get_logger(
"json_logger", std::move(json_sink), "", "%H:%M:%S.%Qns", quill::Timezone::GmtTime);
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
LOG_INFO(json_logger, "{method} to {endpoint} took {elapsed} ms", "POST", "http://", 10 * i);
// It is also possible to create a logger than logs to both the json file and stdout
// with the appropriate format
auto json_sink_2 = quill::Frontend::get_sink("json_sink_logging.log");
auto console_sink = quill::Frontend::create_or_get_sink<quill::ConsoleSink>("console_sink_id_1");
// We set a custom format pattern here to also include the named_args
quill::Logger* hybrid_logger = quill::Frontend::create_or_get_logger(
"hybrid_logger", {std::move(json_sink_2), std::move(console_sink)},
"%(time) [%(thread_id)] %(short_source_location:<28) LOG_%(log_level:<9) %(logger:<20) "
"%(message) [%(named_args)]");
for (int i = 2; i < 4; ++i)
LOG_INFO(hybrid_logger, "{method} to {endpoint} took {elapsed} ms", "POST", "http://", 10 * i);