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//# This file is a part of toml++ and is subject to the the terms of the MIT license.
//# Copyright (c) Mark Gillard <mark.gillard@outlook.com.au>
//# See https://github.com/marzer/tomlplusplus/blob/master/LICENSE for the full license text.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#pragma once
#include "forward_declarations.hpp"
#include "print_to_stream.hpp"
#include "header_start.hpp"
/// \brief A local date.
struct TOML_TRIVIAL_ABI date
/// \brief The year component.
uint16_t year;
/// \brief The month component, from 1 - 12.
uint8_t month;
/// \brief The day component, from 1 - 31.
uint8_t day;
/// \brief Default constructor. Does not initialize the members.
date() noexcept = default;
/// \brief Constructs a date from individual date component values.
TOML_CONSTRAINED_TEMPLATE((impl::all_integral<Y, M, D>), typename Y, typename M, typename D)
constexpr date(Y y, M m, D d) noexcept //
: year{ static_cast<uint16_t>(y) },
month{ static_cast<uint8_t>(m) },
day{ static_cast<uint8_t>(d) }
/// \brief Equality operator.
friend constexpr bool operator==(const date& lhs, const date& rhs) noexcept
return lhs.year == rhs.year //
&& lhs.month == rhs.month //
&& lhs.day == rhs.day;
/// \brief Inequality operator.
friend constexpr bool operator!=(const date& lhs, const date& rhs) noexcept
return !(lhs == rhs);
/// \cond
static constexpr uint32_t pack(const date& d) noexcept
return (static_cast<uint32_t>(d.year) << 16) | (static_cast<uint32_t>(d.month) << 8)
| static_cast<uint32_t>(d.day);
/// \endcond
/// \brief Less-than operator.
friend constexpr bool operator<(const date& lhs, const date& rhs) noexcept
return pack(lhs) < pack(rhs);
/// \brief Less-than-or-equal-to operator.
friend constexpr bool operator<=(const date& lhs, const date& rhs) noexcept
return pack(lhs) <= pack(rhs);
/// \brief Greater-than operator.
friend constexpr bool operator>(const date& lhs, const date& rhs) noexcept
return pack(lhs) > pack(rhs);
/// \brief Greater-than-or-equal-to operator.
friend constexpr bool operator>=(const date& lhs, const date& rhs) noexcept
return pack(lhs) >= pack(rhs);
/// \brief Prints a date out to a stream as `YYYY-MM-DD` (per RFC 3339).
/// \detail \cpp
/// std::cout << toml::date{ 1987, 3, 16 } << "\n";
/// \ecpp
/// \out
/// 1987-03-16
/// \eout
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& lhs, const date& rhs)
impl::print_to_stream(lhs, rhs);
return lhs;
/// \brief A local time-of-day.
struct TOML_TRIVIAL_ABI time
/// \brief The hour component, from 0 - 23.
uint8_t hour;
/// \brief The minute component, from 0 - 59.
uint8_t minute;
/// \brief The second component, from 0 - 59.
uint8_t second;
/// \brief The fractional nanoseconds component, from 0 - 999999999.
uint32_t nanosecond;
/// \brief Default constructor. Does not initialize the members.
time() noexcept = default;
/// \brief Constructs a time from individual time component values.
TOML_CONSTRAINED_TEMPLATE((impl::all_integral<H, M, S, NS>),
typename H,
typename M,
typename S = uint8_t,
typename NS = uint32_t)
constexpr time(H h, M m, S s = S{}, NS ns = NS{}) noexcept //
: hour{ static_cast<uint8_t>(h) },
minute{ static_cast<uint8_t>(m) },
second{ static_cast<uint8_t>(s) },
nanosecond{ static_cast<uint32_t>(ns) }
/// \brief Equality operator.
friend constexpr bool operator==(const time& lhs, const time& rhs) noexcept
return lhs.hour == rhs.hour //
&& lhs.minute == rhs.minute //
&& lhs.second == rhs.second //
&& lhs.nanosecond == rhs.nanosecond;
/// \brief Inequality operator.
friend constexpr bool operator!=(const time& lhs, const time& rhs) noexcept
return !(lhs == rhs);
/// \cond
static constexpr uint64_t pack(const time& t) noexcept
return static_cast<uint64_t>(t.hour) << 48 | static_cast<uint64_t>(t.minute) << 40
| static_cast<uint64_t>(t.second) << 32 | static_cast<uint64_t>(t.nanosecond);
/// \endcond
/// \brief Less-than operator.
friend constexpr bool operator<(const time& lhs, const time& rhs) noexcept
return pack(lhs) < pack(rhs);
/// \brief Less-than-or-equal-to operator.
friend constexpr bool operator<=(const time& lhs, const time& rhs) noexcept
return pack(lhs) <= pack(rhs);
/// \brief Greater-than operator.
friend constexpr bool operator>(const time& lhs, const time& rhs) noexcept
return pack(lhs) > pack(rhs);
/// \brief Greater-than-or-equal-to operator.
friend constexpr bool operator>=(const time& lhs, const time& rhs) noexcept
return pack(lhs) >= pack(rhs);
/// \brief Prints a time out to a stream as `HH:MM:SS.FFFFFF` (per RFC 3339).
/// \detail \cpp
/// std::cout << toml::time{ 10, 20, 34 } << "\n";
/// std::cout << toml::time{ 10, 20, 34, 500000000 } << "\n";
/// \ecpp
/// \out
/// 10:20:34
/// 10:20:34.5
/// \eout
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& lhs, const time& rhs)
impl::print_to_stream(lhs, rhs);
return lhs;
/// \brief A timezone offset.
struct TOML_TRIVIAL_ABI time_offset
/// \brief Offset from UTC+0, in minutes.
int16_t minutes;
/// \brief Default constructor. Does not initialize the members.
time_offset() noexcept = default;
/// \brief Constructs a timezone offset from individual hour and minute totals.
/// \detail \cpp
/// std::cout << toml::time_offset{ 2, 30 } << "\n";
/// std::cout << toml::time_offset{ -2, 30 } << "\n";
/// std::cout << toml::time_offset{ -2, -30 } << "\n";
/// std::cout << toml::time_offset{ 0, 0 } << "\n";
/// \ecpp
/// \out
/// +02:30
/// -01:30
/// -02:30
/// Z
/// \eout
/// \tparam H An integral type.
/// \tparam M An integral type.
/// \param h The total hours.
/// \param m The total minutes.
TOML_CONSTRAINED_TEMPLATE((impl::all_integral<H, M>), typename H, typename M)
constexpr time_offset(H h, M m) noexcept //
: minutes{ static_cast<int16_t>(static_cast<impl::common_signed_type<H, M>>(h)
* impl::common_signed_type<H, M>{ 60 }
+ static_cast<impl::common_signed_type<H, M>>(m)) }
/// \brief Equality operator.
friend constexpr bool operator==(time_offset lhs, time_offset rhs) noexcept
return lhs.minutes == rhs.minutes;
/// \brief Inequality operator.
friend constexpr bool operator!=(time_offset lhs, time_offset rhs) noexcept
return lhs.minutes != rhs.minutes;
/// \brief Less-than operator.
friend constexpr bool operator<(time_offset lhs, time_offset rhs) noexcept
return lhs.minutes < rhs.minutes;
/// \brief Less-than-or-equal-to operator.
friend constexpr bool operator<=(time_offset lhs, time_offset rhs) noexcept
return lhs.minutes <= rhs.minutes;
/// \brief Greater-than operator.
friend constexpr bool operator>(time_offset lhs, time_offset rhs) noexcept
return lhs.minutes > rhs.minutes;
/// \brief Greater-than-or-equal-to operator.
friend constexpr bool operator>=(time_offset lhs, time_offset rhs) noexcept
return lhs.minutes >= rhs.minutes;
/// \brief Prints a time_offset out to a stream as `+-HH:MM or Z` (per RFC 3339).
/// \detail \cpp
/// std::cout << toml::time_offset{ 2, 30 } << "\n";
/// std::cout << toml::time_offset{ 2, -30 } << "\n";
/// std::cout << toml::time_offset{} << "\n";
/// std::cout << toml::time_offset{ -2, 30 } << "\n";
/// std::cout << toml::time_offset{ -2, -30 } << "\n";
/// \ecpp
/// \out
/// +02:30
/// +01:30
/// Z
/// -01:30
/// -02:30
/// \eout
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& lhs, const time_offset& rhs)
impl::print_to_stream(lhs, rhs);
return lhs;
/// \brief A date-time.
struct date_time
/// \brief The date component.
toml::date date;
/// \brief The time component.
toml::time time;
/// \brief The timezone offset component.
/// \remarks The date_time is said to be 'local' if the offset is empty.
optional<toml::time_offset> offset;
/// \brief Default constructor. Does not initialize the members.
date_time() noexcept = default;
/// \brief Constructs a local date-time.
/// \param d The date component.
/// \param t The time component.
constexpr date_time(const toml::date& d, const toml::time& t) noexcept //
: date{ d },
time{ t },
offset{} // TINAE - icc bugfix
/// \brief Constructs a local date-time.
/// \param d The date component.
explicit constexpr date_time(const toml::date& d) noexcept //
: date{ d },
offset{} // TINAE - icc bugfix
/// \brief Constructs a local date-time.
/// \param t The time component.
explicit constexpr date_time(const toml::time& t) noexcept //
: date{},
time{ t },
offset{} // TINAE - icc bugfix
/// \brief Constructs an offset date-time.
/// \param d The date component.
/// \param t The time component.
/// \param off The timezone offset.
constexpr date_time(const toml::date& d, const toml::time& t, const toml::time_offset& off) noexcept
: date{ d },
time{ t },
offset{ off }
/// \brief Returns true if this date_time does not contain timezone offset information.
constexpr bool is_local() const noexcept
return !offset.has_value();
/// \brief Equality operator.
friend constexpr bool operator==(const date_time& lhs, const date_time& rhs) noexcept
return lhs.date == rhs.date //
&& lhs.time == rhs.time //
&& lhs.offset == rhs.offset;
/// \brief Inequality operator.
friend constexpr bool operator!=(const date_time& lhs, const date_time& rhs) noexcept
return !(lhs == rhs);
/// \brief Less-than operator.
friend constexpr bool operator<(const date_time& lhs, const date_time& rhs) noexcept
if (lhs.date != rhs.date)
return lhs.date < rhs.date;
if (lhs.time != rhs.time)
return lhs.time < rhs.time;
return lhs.offset < rhs.offset;
/// \brief Less-than-or-equal-to operator.
friend constexpr bool operator<=(const date_time& lhs, const date_time& rhs) noexcept
if (lhs.date != rhs.date)
return lhs.date < rhs.date;
if (lhs.time != rhs.time)
return lhs.time < rhs.time;
return lhs.offset <= rhs.offset;
/// \brief Greater-than operator.
friend constexpr bool operator>(const date_time& lhs, const date_time& rhs) noexcept
return !(lhs <= rhs);
/// \brief Greater-than-or-equal-to operator.
friend constexpr bool operator>=(const date_time& lhs, const date_time& rhs) noexcept
return !(lhs < rhs);
/// \brief Prints a date_time out to a stream in RFC 3339 format.
/// \detail \cpp
/// std::cout << toml::date_time{ { 1987, 3, 16 }, { 10, 20, 34 } } << "\n";
/// std::cout << toml::date_time{ { 1987, 3, 16 }, { 10, 20, 34 }, { -2, -30 } } << "\n";
/// std::cout << toml::date_time{ { 1987, 3, 16 }, { 10, 20, 34 }, {} } << "\n";
/// \ecpp
/// \out
/// 1987-03-16T10:20:34
/// 1987-03-16T10:20:34-02:30
/// 1987-03-16T10:20:34Z
/// \eout
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& lhs, const date_time& rhs)
impl::print_to_stream(lhs, rhs);
return lhs;
#include "header_end.hpp"