323 lines
9.7 KiB
323 lines
9.7 KiB
// This file is a part of toml++ and is subject to the the terms of the MIT license.
// Copyright (c) Mark Gillard <mark.gillard@outlook.com.au>
// See https://github.com/marzer/tomlplusplus/blob/master/LICENSE for the full license text.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// This example demonstrates the use of some more advanced features to generate a tree of random TOML data.
#include "examples.hpp"
#include <toml++/toml.hpp>
using namespace std::string_view_literals;
namespace random
inline constexpr std::string_view words[] = {
"acceptable"sv, "contain"sv, "ghost"sv, "mark"sv, "respect"sv, "taboo"sv,
"actually"sv, "cream"sv, "gleaming"sv, "meaty"sv, "rest"sv, "tacky"sv,
"addition"sv, "creature"sv, "glorious"sv, "memory"sv, "rice"sv, "tank"sv,
"adhesive"sv, "crime"sv, "gold"sv, "messy"sv, "rich"sv, "tent"sv,
"adorable"sv, "cross"sv, "grandfather"sv, "miss"sv, "righteous"sv, "terrible"sv,
"advise"sv, "crowded"sv, "gusty"sv, "modern"sv, "room"sv, "threatening"sv,
"afraid"sv, "crown"sv, "haircut"sv, "morning"sv, "rotten"sv, "three"sv,
"ancient"sv, "cure"sv, "hard-to-find"sv, "naughty"sv, "royal"sv, "ticket"sv,
"anxious"sv, "curious"sv, "harm"sv, "neck"sv, "run"sv, "title"sv,
"aromatic"sv, "curtain"sv, "heavy"sv, "night"sv, "satisfy"sv, "torpid"sv,
"attempt"sv, "cycle"sv, "helpless"sv, "nondescript"sv, "scary"sv, "train"sv,
"babies"sv, "deadpan"sv, "high-pitched"sv, "overjoyed"sv, "scatter"sv, "umbrella"sv,
"bake"sv, "decisive"sv, "hilarious"sv, "page"sv, "scene"sv, "unadvised"sv,
"ball"sv, "deeply"sv, "history"sv, "partner"sv, "scintillating"sv, "unbecoming"sv,
"bat"sv, "delightful"sv, "hook"sv, "party"sv, "self"sv, "unbiased"sv,
"behave"sv, "deserted"sv, "ignore"sv, "pause"sv, "selfish"sv, "unite"sv,
"best"sv, "draconian"sv, "imperfect"sv, "pear"sv, "silky"sv, "uptight"sv,
"birds"sv, "dreary"sv, "impossible"sv, "picture"sv, "sisters"sv, "used"sv,
"blind"sv, "dull"sv, "incandescent"sv, "place"sv, "ski"sv, "vengeful"sv,
"blood"sv, "enthusiastic"sv, "influence"sv, "playground"sv, "skip"sv, "versed"sv,
"blue-eyed"sv, "equable"sv, "innocent"sv, "popcorn"sv, "snow"sv, "vessel"sv,
"boiling"sv, "excuse"sv, "insidious"sv, "prefer"sv, "soap"sv, "view"sv,
"bore"sv, "experience"sv, "itch"sv, "productive"sv, "spare"sv, "voyage"sv,
"borrow"sv, "fabulous"sv, "jail"sv, "profuse"sv, "spicy"sv, "wall"sv,
"broken"sv, "familiar"sv, "kindhearted"sv, "protective"sv, "spiritual"sv, "want"sv,
"capable"sv, "finger"sv, "lackadaisical"sv, "pumped"sv, "sprout"sv, "weary"sv,
"charming"sv, "finicky"sv, "laughable"sv, "rabbit"sv, "squirrel"sv, "week"sv,
"cheerful"sv, "fix"sv, "leather"sv, "rapid"sv, "stale"sv, "whip"sv,
"chubby"sv, "flagrant"sv, "legal"sv, "regret"sv, "step"sv, "wilderness"sv,
"clean"sv, "flat"sv, "lewd"sv, "reject"sv, "stingy"sv, "wistful"sv,
"close"sv, "flimsy"sv, "license"sv, "rejoice"sv, "string"sv, "worried"sv,
"cobweb"sv, "fuel"sv, "light"sv, "relation"sv, "sulky"sv, "wretched"sv,
"complex"sv, "furtive"sv, "march"sv, "remarkable"sv, "surprise"sv, "zealous"sv,
"consist"sv, "geese"sv
[[nodiscard]] static bool boolean() noexcept
return std::rand() % 2 == 0;
template <typename T>
[[nodiscard]] static T integer(T excl_max) noexcept
return static_cast<T>(static_cast<T>(std::rand()) % excl_max);
template <typename T>
[[nodiscard]] static T integer(T incl_min, T excl_max) noexcept
return static_cast<T>(incl_min + integer(excl_max - incl_min));
[[nodiscard]] static bool chance(float val) noexcept
val = (val < 0.0f ? 0.0f : (val > 1.0f ? 1.0f : val)) * 1000.0f;
return static_cast<float>(integer(0, 1000)) <= val;
[[nodiscard]] static toml::date date() noexcept
return toml::date{ integer(1900, 2021), //
integer(1, 13),
integer(1, 29) };
[[nodiscard]] static toml::time time() noexcept
return toml::time{ integer(24), //
boolean() ? integer(1000000000u) : 0u };
[[nodiscard]] static toml::time_offset time_offset() noexcept
return toml::time_offset{ integer(-11, 12), integer(-45, +46) };
[[nodiscard]] static toml::date_time date_time() noexcept
return boolean() ? toml::date_time{ date(), time() } //
: toml::date_time{ date(), time(), time_offset() };
[[nodiscard]] static std::string_view word() noexcept
return words[integer(std::size(words))];
[[nodiscard]] static std::string string(size_t word_count, char sep = ' ')
std::string val;
while (word_count-- > 0u)
if (!val.empty())
val += sep;
return val;
[[nodiscard]] static std::string key()
return random::string(random::integer(1u, 4u), '-');
template <typename T>
static auto add_to(toml::table& tbl, T&& val) -> toml::inserted_type_of<T&&>&
while (true)
auto key = random::key();
auto it = std::as_const(tbl).lower_bound(key);
if (it == tbl.cend() || it->first != key)
return *tbl.emplace_hint(it, std::move(key), static_cast<T&&>(val))
->second.template as<toml::inserted_type_of<T&&>>();
template <typename T>
static auto add_to(toml::array& arr, T&& val) -> toml::inserted_type_of<T&&>&
return arr.emplace_back(static_cast<T&&>(val));
template <typename Container>
static void add_value_to(Container& container)
switch (random::integer(7))
case 0: add_to(container, random::string(random::integer(8u))); break;
case 1: add_to(container, random::integer(1000)); break;
case 2: add_to(container, random::integer(10001) / 10000.0); break;
case 3: add_to(container, random::boolean()); break;
case 4: add_to(container, random::date()); break;
case 5: add_to(container, random::time()); break;
case 6: add_to(container, random::date_time()); break;
default: break;
static constexpr int max_inline_nesting = 2;
static constexpr int default_max_inline_values = 4;
template <typename Container>
static void populate_inline_container(Container& container,
int& budget,
int inline_nesting = 0,
int max_values = default_max_inline_values)
auto values = random::integer(max_values);
while (budget && values)
// inline array/table
if (inline_nesting < max_inline_nesting && random::chance(0.25f))
// array
if (random::boolean())
auto& arr = add_to(container, toml::array{});
populate_inline_container(arr, budget, inline_nesting + 1, default_max_inline_values);
// table
auto& tbl = add_to(container, toml::table{});
populate_inline_container(tbl, budget, inline_nesting + 1, default_max_inline_values);
// regular value
static constexpr int max_top_level_nesting = 5;
static constexpr int max_array_of_tables_children = 4;
static constexpr int max_table_children = 4;
static void populate_table(toml::table& tbl, int& budget, int nesting = 0)
// do simple values + inline tables/arrays first
populate_inline_container(tbl, budget, 0, 10);
// add a nested array-of-tables
if (budget && nesting < max_top_level_nesting && random::chance(0.33f))
auto& arr = add_to(tbl, toml::array{});
// note we don't subtract from the budget for the outer array;
// it's "invisible" from a topological perspective when reading the output TOML
auto children = random::integer(1, max_array_of_tables_children);
while (budget && children)
auto& sub_tbl = add_to(arr, toml::table{});
populate_table(sub_tbl, budget, nesting + 1);
// add nested tables
if (budget && nesting < max_top_level_nesting && random::chance(0.33f))
auto children = random::integer(1, max_table_children);
while (budget && children)
auto& sub_tbl = add_to(tbl, toml::table{});
populate_table(sub_tbl, budget, nesting + 1);
int main(int argc, char** argv)
int budget{};
bool comments = true;
for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++)
const auto arg = std::string_view{ argv[i] };
if (arg == "--nocomments"sv)
comments = false;
std::istringstream ss{ std::string(arg) };
int num;
if ((ss >> num))
budget += num;
std::cerr << "Unknown argument '"sv << arg << "'\n";
return 1;
if (budget <= 0)
budget = 100;
toml::table root;
while (budget > 0)
populate_table(root, budget);
if (comments)
std::stringstream src;
src << root;
std::string line;
std::ostringstream dest;
while (std::getline(src, line))
if (line.empty())
// occasionally dump a paragraph comment at the top-level of the document
if (random::chance(0.20f))
auto lines = random::integer(1, 8);
while (lines--)
dest << "\n# "sv << random::string(random::integer(4u, 8u));
dest << "\n"sv;
dest << line;
// occasionally add short comments at end of non-blank lines
if (random::chance(0.30f))
dest << " # "sv << random::string(random::integer(1u, 3u));
dest << "\n"sv;
std::cout << dest.str();
std::cout << root << "\n";
return 0;