// This file is a part of toml++ and is subject to the the terms of the MIT license. // Copyright (c) Mark Gillard // See https://github.com/marzer/tomlplusplus/blob/master/LICENSE for the full license text. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT #include "tests.hpp" TEST_CASE("tables - moving") { static constexpr auto filename = "foo.toml"sv; parsing_should_succeed( FILE_LINE_ARGS, R"(test = { val1 = "foo" })"sv, [&](table&& tbl) { // sanity-check initial state of a freshly-parsed table REQUIRE(tbl["test"].as()); CHECK(tbl["test"].as
()->size() == 1u); CHECK(tbl["test"].as
()->source().begin == source_position{ 1, 8 }); CHECK(tbl["test"].as
()->source().end == source_position{ 1, 24 }); CHECK(tbl["test"].node() == tbl.get("test"sv)); CHECK(tbl["test"].node() == &tbl.at("test"sv)); // sanity-check initial state of a freshly-parsed table (const) const table& ctbl = tbl; REQUIRE(ctbl["test"].as
()); CHECK(ctbl["test"].as
()->size() == 1u); CHECK(ctbl["test"].as
()->source().begin == source_position{ 1, 8 }); CHECK(ctbl["test"].as
()->source().end == source_position{ 1, 24 }); CHECK(ctbl["test"].node() == ctbl.get("test"sv)); CHECK(ctbl["test"].node() == &ctbl.at("test"sv)); // sanity check the virtual type checks CHECK(tbl.type() == node_type::table); CHECK(tbl.is_table()); CHECK(!tbl.is_array()); CHECK(!tbl.is_array_of_tables()); CHECK(!tbl.is_value()); CHECK(!tbl.is_string()); CHECK(!tbl.is_integer()); CHECK(!tbl.is_floating_point()); CHECK(!tbl.is_number()); CHECK(!tbl.is_boolean()); CHECK(!tbl.is_date()); CHECK(!tbl.is_time()); CHECK(!tbl.is_date_time()); // sanity check the virtual type casts (non-const) CHECK(tbl.as_table() == &tbl); CHECK(!tbl.as_array()); CHECK(!tbl.as_string()); CHECK(!tbl.as_integer()); CHECK(!tbl.as_floating_point()); CHECK(!tbl.as_boolean()); CHECK(!tbl.as_date()); CHECK(!tbl.as_time()); CHECK(!tbl.as_date_time()); // sanity check the virtual type casts (const) CHECK(ctbl.as_table() == &ctbl); CHECK(!ctbl.as_array()); CHECK(!ctbl.as_string()); CHECK(!ctbl.as_integer()); CHECK(!ctbl.as_floating_point()); CHECK(!ctbl.as_boolean()); CHECK(!ctbl.as_date()); CHECK(!ctbl.as_time()); CHECK(!ctbl.as_date_time()); // sanity-check initial state of default-constructed table table tbl2; CHECK(tbl2.source().begin == source_position{}); CHECK(tbl2.source().end == source_position{}); CHECK(!tbl2.source().path); CHECK(tbl2.size() == 0u); // check the results of move-assignment tbl2 = std::move(tbl); CHECK(tbl2.source().begin == source_position{ 1, 1 }); CHECK(tbl2.source().end == source_position{ 1, 24 }); CHECK(tbl2.source().path); CHECK(*tbl2.source().path == filename); CHECK(tbl2.size() == 1u); REQUIRE(tbl2["test"].as
()); CHECK(tbl2["test"].as
()->size() == 1u); CHECK(tbl2["test"]["val1"] == "foo"sv); // check that moved-from table is now the same as default-constructed CHECK(tbl.source().begin == source_position{}); CHECK(tbl.source().end == source_position{}); CHECK(!tbl.source().path); CHECK(tbl.size() == 0u); CHECK(!tbl["test"].as
()); // check the results of move-construction table tbl3{ std::move(tbl2) }; CHECK(tbl3.source().begin == source_position{ 1, 1 }); CHECK(tbl3.source().end == source_position{ 1, 24 }); CHECK(tbl3.source().path); CHECK(*tbl3.source().path == filename); CHECK(tbl3.size() == 1u); REQUIRE(tbl3["test"].as
()); CHECK(tbl3["test"].as
()->size() == 1u); CHECK(tbl3["test"]["val1"] == "foo"sv); // check that moved-from table is now the same as default-constructed CHECK(tbl2.source().begin == source_position{}); CHECK(tbl2.source().end == source_position{}); CHECK(!tbl2.source().path); CHECK(tbl2.size() == 0u); CHECK(!tbl2["test"].as
()); }, filename); } TEST_CASE("tables - copying") { static constexpr auto filename = "foo.toml"sv; parsing_should_succeed( FILE_LINE_ARGS, R"(test = { val1 = "foo" })"sv, [&](table&& tbl) { // sanity-check initial state of a freshly-parsed table REQUIRE(tbl["test"].as
()); CHECK(tbl["test"].as
()->size() == 1u); CHECK(tbl["test"].as
()->source().begin == source_position{ 1, 8 }); CHECK(tbl["test"].as
()->source().end == source_position{ 1, 24 }); CHECK(tbl["test"]["val1"] == "foo"); // sanity-check initial state of default-constructed table table tbl2; CHECK(tbl2.source().begin == source_position{}); CHECK(tbl2.source().end == source_position{}); CHECK(!tbl2.source().path); CHECK(tbl2.size() == 0u); // check the results of copy-assignment tbl2 = tbl; CHECK(tbl2.source().begin == source_position{}); CHECK(tbl2.source().end == source_position{}); CHECK(!tbl2.source().path); CHECK(tbl2.size() == 1u); REQUIRE(tbl2["test"].as
()); CHECK(tbl2["test"].as
()->size() == 1u); CHECK(tbl2["test"]["val1"] == "foo"sv); CHECK(tbl2 == tbl); // check the results of copy-construction table tbl3{ tbl2 }; CHECK(tbl3.source().begin == source_position{}); CHECK(tbl3.source().end == source_position{}); CHECK(!tbl3.source().path); CHECK(tbl3.size() == 1u); REQUIRE(tbl3["test"].as
()); CHECK(tbl3["test"].as
()->size() == 1u); CHECK(tbl3["test"]["val1"] == "foo"sv); CHECK(tbl3 == tbl2); CHECK(tbl3 == tbl); }, filename); } TEST_CASE("tables - construction") { { table tbl; CHECK(tbl.size() == 0u); CHECK(tbl.empty()); CHECK(tbl.begin() == tbl.end()); CHECK(tbl.cbegin() == tbl.cend()); CHECK(tbl.source().begin == source_position{}); CHECK(tbl.source().end == source_position{}); CHECK(!tbl.source().path); } { table tbl{ { "foo"sv, 42 } }; CHECK(tbl.size() == 1u); CHECK(!tbl.empty()); CHECK(tbl.begin() != tbl.end()); CHECK(tbl.cbegin() != tbl.cend()); REQUIRE(tbl.get_as("foo"sv)); CHECK(*tbl.get_as("foo"sv) == 42); } { table tbl{ { "foo"sv, 42 }, { "bar"sv, 10.0 }, { "kek"sv, false }, { "qux"sv, array{ 1 } } }; CHECK(tbl.size() == 4u); CHECK(!tbl.empty()); REQUIRE(tbl.get_as("foo"sv)); CHECK(*tbl.get_as("foo"sv) == 42); REQUIRE(tbl.get_as("bar"sv)); CHECK(*tbl.get_as("bar"sv) == 10.0); REQUIRE(tbl.get_as("kek"sv)); CHECK(*tbl.get_as("kek"sv) == false); REQUIRE(tbl.get_as("qux"sv)); CHECK(*tbl.get_as("qux"sv) == array{ 1 }); } #if TOML_ENABLE_WINDOWS_COMPAT { table tbl{ { L"foo", L"test1" }, { L"bar"sv, L"test2"sv }, { L"kek"s, L"test3"sv }, { L"qux"sv.data(), L"test4"sv.data() } }; CHECK(tbl.size() == 4u); CHECK(!tbl.empty()); REQUIRE(tbl.get_as("foo"sv)); CHECK(*tbl.get_as("foo"sv) == "test1"sv); REQUIRE(tbl.get_as("bar"sv)); CHECK(*tbl.get_as("bar"sv) == "test2"sv); REQUIRE(tbl.get_as("kek"sv)); CHECK(*tbl.get_as("kek"sv) == "test3"sv); REQUIRE(tbl.get_as("qux"sv)); CHECK(*tbl.get_as("qux"sv) == "test4"sv); } #endif // TOML_ENABLE_WINDOWS_COMPAT } TEST_CASE("tables - equality") { static constexpr const char* one = "one"; table tbl1{ { one, 1 }, { "two", 2 }, { "three", 3 } }; CHECK(tbl1 == tbl1); table tbl2{ { "one"sv, 1 }, { "two"sv, 2 }, { "three"sv, 3 } }; CHECK(tbl1 == tbl2); table tbl3{ { "one"sv, 1 }, { "two"sv, 2 } }; CHECK(tbl1 != tbl3); table tbl4{ { "one"sv, 1 }, { "two"sv, 2 }, { "three"sv, 3 }, { "four"sv, 4 } }; CHECK(tbl1 != tbl4); table tbl5{ { "one"sv, 1 }, { "two"sv, 2 }, { "three"sv, 3.0 } }; CHECK(tbl1 != tbl5); table tbl6; CHECK(tbl1 != tbl6); CHECK(tbl6 == tbl6); table tbl7; CHECK(tbl6 == tbl7); } namespace { template static auto advance(T iter, ptrdiff_t offset) { while (offset > 0) { iter++; offset--; } while (offset < 0) { iter--; offset++; } return iter; } } TEST_CASE("tables - insertion and erasure") { table tbl; auto res = tbl.insert("a", 42); CHECK(res.first == tbl.begin()); CHECK(res.second == true); CHECK(tbl.size() == 1u); CHECK(!tbl.empty()); REQUIRE(tbl.get_as("a"sv)); CHECK(*tbl.get_as("a"sv) == 42); REQUIRE(tbl == table{ { "a"sv, 42 } }); res = tbl.insert("a", 69); CHECK(res.first == tbl.begin()); CHECK(res.second == false); CHECK(tbl.size() == 1u); REQUIRE(tbl.get_as("a")); CHECK(*tbl.get_as("a") == 42); REQUIRE(tbl == table{ { "a"sv, 42 } }); static constexpr const char* a = "a"; res = tbl.insert_or_assign(a, 69); CHECK(res.first == tbl.begin()); CHECK(res.second == false); // should assign CHECK(tbl.size() == 1u); REQUIRE(tbl.get_as("a")); CHECK(*tbl.get_as("a") == 69); REQUIRE(tbl == table{ { "a"sv, 69 } }); res = tbl.insert_or_assign("b", "kek"); CHECK(res.first == advance(tbl.begin(), 1)); CHECK(res.second == true); // should insert CHECK(tbl.size() == 2u); REQUIRE(tbl.get_as("b")); CHECK(*tbl.get_as("b") == "kek"sv); REQUIRE(tbl == table{ { "a"sv, 69 }, { "b"sv, "kek" } }); res = tbl.emplace("c", 1, 2, 3); CHECK(res.first == advance(tbl.begin(), 2)); CHECK(res.second == true); CHECK(tbl.size() == 3u); REQUIRE(tbl.get_as("c")); CHECK(*tbl.get_as("c") == array{ 1, 2, 3 }); REQUIRE(tbl == table{ { "a"sv, 69 }, { "b"sv, "kek"sv }, { "c"sv, array{ 1, 2, 3 } } }); res = tbl.emplace("c", 1); CHECK(res.first == advance(tbl.begin(), 2)); CHECK(res.second == false); CHECK(tbl.size() == 3u); REQUIRE(!tbl.get_as("c")); REQUIRE(tbl.get_as("c")); REQUIRE(tbl == table{ { "a"sv, 69 }, { "b"sv, "kek"s }, { "c"sv, array{ 1, 2, 3 } } }); auto it = tbl.erase(tbl.cbegin()); REQUIRE(tbl == table{ { { "b"sv, "kek" }, { "c"sv, array{ 1, 2, 3 } } } }); CHECK(it == tbl.begin()); CHECK(tbl.size() == 2u); res = tbl.insert_or_assign("a"sv, 69); CHECK(res.first == tbl.begin()); CHECK(res.second == true); // should insert CHECK(tbl.size() == 3u); REQUIRE(tbl.get_as("a")); CHECK(*tbl.get_as("a") == 69); REQUIRE(tbl == table{ { "a"sv, 69 }, { "b"sv, "kek" }, { "c"sv, array{ 1, 2, 3 } } }); it = tbl.erase(advance(tbl.cbegin(), 1), advance(tbl.cbegin(), 3)); REQUIRE(tbl == table{ { "a"sv, 69 } }); CHECK(it == tbl.end()); CHECK(tbl.size() == 1u); tbl.clear(); REQUIRE(tbl == table{}); CHECK(tbl.size() == 0u); CHECK(tbl.empty()); // void insert(Iter first, Iter last) { std::vector> vals{ { "foo", "foo" }, { "bar", "bar" }, { "kek", "kek" } }; tbl.insert(vals.begin(), vals.end()); CHECK(tbl.size() == 3u); REQUIRE(tbl.get_as("foo")); CHECK(*tbl.get_as("foo") == "foo"); REQUIRE(tbl.get_as("bar")); CHECK(*tbl.get_as("bar") == "bar"); REQUIRE(tbl.get_as("kek")); CHECK(*tbl.get_as("kek") == "kek"); REQUIRE(vals.size() == 3u); CHECK(vals[0].first == "foo"); CHECK(vals[0].second == "foo"); CHECK(vals[1].first == "bar"); CHECK(vals[1].second == "bar"); CHECK(vals[2].first == "kek"); CHECK(vals[2].second == "kek"); tbl.clear(); } // void insert(Iter first, Iter last) (with move iterators) { std::vector> vals{ { "foo", "foo" }, { "bar", "bar" }, { "kek", "kek" } }; tbl.insert(std::make_move_iterator(vals.begin()), std::make_move_iterator(vals.end())); CHECK(tbl.size() == 3u); REQUIRE(tbl.get_as("foo")); CHECK(*tbl.get_as("foo") == "foo"); REQUIRE(tbl.get_as("bar")); CHECK(*tbl.get_as("bar") == "bar"); REQUIRE(tbl.get_as("kek")); CHECK(*tbl.get_as("kek") == "kek"); REQUIRE(vals.size() == 3u); CHECK(vals[0].first == ""); CHECK(vals[0].second == ""); CHECK(vals[1].first == ""); CHECK(vals[1].second == ""); CHECK(vals[2].first == ""); CHECK(vals[2].second == ""); tbl.clear(); } #if TOML_ENABLE_WINDOWS_COMPAT tbl.insert(L"a", L"test1"); REQUIRE(*tbl.get_as(L"a"sv) == "test1"sv); tbl.insert_or_assign(L"a"sv, L"test2"); REQUIRE(*tbl.get_as(L"a"sv) == "test2"sv); tbl.emplace(L"b", L"test3"); REQUIRE(*tbl.get_as(L"b"sv) == "test3"sv); CHECK(tbl.size() == 2u); tbl.erase(L"b"); CHECK(tbl.size() == 1u); tbl.erase(L"a"s); CHECK(tbl.size() == 0u); #endif // TOML_ENABLE_WINDOWS_COMPAT // insert with value_flags { tbl.clear(); auto hex = toml::value{ 1 }; hex.flags(value_flags::format_as_hexadecimal); CHECK(hex.flags() == value_flags::format_as_hexadecimal); tbl.insert("hex", hex); CHECK(hex.flags() == value_flags::format_as_hexadecimal); CHECK(tbl["hex"].as_integer()->flags() == value_flags::format_as_hexadecimal); tbl.insert("hex2", std::move(hex)); CHECK(hex.flags() == value_flags{}); CHECK(tbl["hex2"].as_integer()->flags() == value_flags::format_as_hexadecimal); } } TEST_CASE("tables - toml_formatter") { static constexpr auto to_string = [](std::string_view some_toml, format_flags flags = toml_formatter::default_flags, format_flags exclude_flags = format_flags::none) { auto val = toml::parse(some_toml); std::stringstream ss; ss << toml_formatter{ val, flags & ~(exclude_flags) }; return ss.str(); }; { static constexpr auto some_toml = R"(val1 = 1 val2 = 2 val3 = 3)"sv; CHECK(to_string(some_toml) == some_toml); } { static constexpr auto some_toml = R"([a_table] a = 1 b = 2 c = 3)"sv; CHECK(to_string(some_toml) == some_toml); } { static constexpr auto some_toml = R"(val1 = 1 val2 = 2 val3 = 3 [a_table] a = 1 b = 2 c = 3)"sv; CHECK(to_string(some_toml) == some_toml); } { static constexpr auto some_toml = "[a]\n\n[b]\n\n[c]"sv; CHECK(to_string(some_toml) == some_toml); } { static constexpr auto some_toml = "[a]\nkey = 1\n\n[b]\n\n[c]"sv; CHECK(to_string(some_toml) == some_toml); } { static constexpr auto some_toml = "key = 1\n\n[a]\nkey = 1\n\n[b]\n\n[c]"sv; CHECK(to_string(some_toml) == some_toml); } { static constexpr auto some_toml = "key = 1\n\n[a]\nkey = 1\n\n[b]\n\n[[c]]\n\n[[c]]"sv; CHECK(to_string(some_toml) == some_toml); } { constexpr auto input = R"(key1 = 'val1' key2 = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, '5' ] key3 = [ 'this is a really long array', 'and should be split over multiple lines', 'by the formatter', 'unless i dun goofed', 'i guess thats what tests are for' ] [sub1] key4 = 'val' [sub2] key5 = 'val' [sub2.sub3] key6 = 'val' key7 = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, '5' ] key8 = [ 'this is a really long array', 'and should be split over multiple lines', 'by the formatter', 'unless i dun goofed', 'i guess thats what tests are for' ])"sv; constexpr auto expected_default = R"(key1 = 'val1' key2 = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, '5' ] key3 = [ 'this is a really long array', 'and should be split over multiple lines', 'by the formatter', 'unless i dun goofed', 'i guess thats what tests are for' ] [sub1] key4 = 'val' [sub2] key5 = 'val' [sub2.sub3] key6 = 'val' key7 = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, '5' ] key8 = [ 'this is a really long array', 'and should be split over multiple lines', 'by the formatter', 'unless i dun goofed', 'i guess thats what tests are for' ])"sv; CHECK(to_string(input) == expected_default); constexpr auto expected_without_indented_subtables = R"(key1 = 'val1' key2 = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, '5' ] key3 = [ 'this is a really long array', 'and should be split over multiple lines', 'by the formatter', 'unless i dun goofed', 'i guess thats what tests are for' ] [sub1] key4 = 'val' [sub2] key5 = 'val' [sub2.sub3] key6 = 'val' key7 = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, '5' ] key8 = [ 'this is a really long array', 'and should be split over multiple lines', 'by the formatter', 'unless i dun goofed', 'i guess thats what tests are for' ])"sv; CHECK(to_string(input, toml_formatter::default_flags, format_flags::indent_sub_tables) == expected_without_indented_subtables); constexpr auto expected_without_indented_arrays = R"(key1 = 'val1' key2 = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, '5' ] key3 = [ 'this is a really long array', 'and should be split over multiple lines', 'by the formatter', 'unless i dun goofed', 'i guess thats what tests are for' ] [sub1] key4 = 'val' [sub2] key5 = 'val' [sub2.sub3] key6 = 'val' key7 = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, '5' ] key8 = [ 'this is a really long array', 'and should be split over multiple lines', 'by the formatter', 'unless i dun goofed', 'i guess thats what tests are for' ])"sv; CHECK(to_string(input, toml_formatter::default_flags, format_flags::indent_array_elements) == expected_without_indented_arrays); constexpr auto expected_without_indentation = R"(key1 = 'val1' key2 = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, '5' ] key3 = [ 'this is a really long array', 'and should be split over multiple lines', 'by the formatter', 'unless i dun goofed', 'i guess thats what tests are for' ] [sub1] key4 = 'val' [sub2] key5 = 'val' [sub2.sub3] key6 = 'val' key7 = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, '5' ] key8 = [ 'this is a really long array', 'and should be split over multiple lines', 'by the formatter', 'unless i dun goofed', 'i guess thats what tests are for' ])"sv; CHECK(to_string(input, toml_formatter::default_flags, format_flags::indentation) == expected_without_indentation); } } TEST_CASE("tables - for_each") { const auto tbl = table{ { "a", 1 }, { "b", 2.0 }, { "c", 3 }, { "d", "four" }, { "e", false } }; SECTION("type checking") { int count = 0; int ints = 0; int floats = 0; int numbers = 0; int strings = 0; int bools = 0; tbl.for_each( [&](const auto& v) noexcept { count++; if constexpr (toml::is_integer) ints++; if constexpr (toml::is_floating_point) floats++; if constexpr (toml::is_number) numbers++; if constexpr (toml::is_string) strings++; if constexpr (toml::is_boolean) bools++; }); CHECK(count == 5); CHECK(ints == 2); CHECK(floats == 1); CHECK(numbers == (ints + floats)); CHECK(strings == 1); CHECK(bools == 1); } #if !TOML_RETURN_BOOL_FROM_FOR_EACH_BROKEN SECTION("early-exit (key, val)") { int count = 0; tbl.for_each([&](const key& /*k*/, const auto& /*v*/) noexcept -> bool { return ++count < 3; }); CHECK(count == 3); } SECTION("early-exit (val)") { int count = 0; tbl.for_each([&](const auto& /*v*/) noexcept -> bool { return ++count < 3; }); CHECK(count == 3); } #endif }