//# This file is a part of toml++ and is subject to the the terms of the MIT license. //# Copyright (c) Mark Gillard //# See https://github.com/marzer/tomlplusplus/blob/master/LICENSE for the full license text. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT #pragma once //# {{ #include "preprocessor.hpp" #if !TOML_IMPLEMENTATION #error This is an implementation-only header. #endif //# }} #include "table.hpp" #include "node_view.hpp" #include "header_start.hpp" TOML_NAMESPACE_START { TOML_EXTERNAL_LINKAGE table::table() noexcept { #if TOML_LIFETIME_HOOKS TOML_TABLE_CREATED; #endif } TOML_EXTERNAL_LINKAGE table::~table() noexcept { #if TOML_LIFETIME_HOOKS TOML_TABLE_DESTROYED; #endif } TOML_EXTERNAL_LINKAGE table::table(const impl::table_init_pair* b, const impl::table_init_pair* e) { #if TOML_LIFETIME_HOOKS TOML_TABLE_CREATED; #endif TOML_ASSERT_ASSUME(b); TOML_ASSERT_ASSUME(e); TOML_ASSERT_ASSUME(b <= e); if TOML_UNLIKELY(b == e) return; for (; b != e; b++) { if (!b->value) // empty node_views continue; map_.insert_or_assign(std::move(b->key), std::move(b->value)); } } TOML_EXTERNAL_LINKAGE table::table(const table& other) // : node(other), inline_{ other.inline_ } { for (auto&& [k, v] : other.map_) map_.emplace_hint(map_.end(), k, impl::make_node(*v)); #if TOML_LIFETIME_HOOKS TOML_TABLE_CREATED; #endif } TOML_EXTERNAL_LINKAGE table::table(table && other) noexcept // : node(std::move(other)), map_{ std::move(other.map_) }, inline_{ other.inline_ } { #if TOML_LIFETIME_HOOKS TOML_TABLE_CREATED; #endif } TOML_EXTERNAL_LINKAGE table& table::operator=(const table& rhs) { if (&rhs != this) { node::operator=(rhs); map_.clear(); for (auto&& [k, v] : rhs.map_) map_.emplace_hint(map_.end(), k, impl::make_node(*v)); inline_ = rhs.inline_; } return *this; } TOML_EXTERNAL_LINKAGE table& table::operator=(table&& rhs) noexcept { if (&rhs != this) { node::operator=(std::move(rhs)); map_ = std::move(rhs.map_); inline_ = rhs.inline_; } return *this; } TOML_PURE_GETTER TOML_EXTERNAL_LINKAGE bool table::is_homogeneous(node_type ntype) const noexcept { if (map_.empty()) return false; if (ntype == node_type::none) ntype = map_.cbegin()->second->type(); for (auto&& [k, v] : map_) { TOML_UNUSED(k); if (v->type() != ntype) return false; } return true; } TOML_PURE_GETTER TOML_EXTERNAL_LINKAGE bool table::is_homogeneous(node_type ntype, node * &first_nonmatch) noexcept { if (map_.empty()) { first_nonmatch = {}; return false; } if (ntype == node_type::none) ntype = map_.cbegin()->second->type(); for (const auto& [k, v] : map_) { TOML_UNUSED(k); if (v->type() != ntype) { first_nonmatch = v.get(); return false; } } return true; } TOML_PURE_GETTER TOML_EXTERNAL_LINKAGE bool table::is_homogeneous(node_type ntype, const node*& first_nonmatch) const noexcept { node* fnm = nullptr; const auto result = const_cast(*this).is_homogeneous(ntype, fnm); first_nonmatch = fnm; return result; } TOML_PURE_GETTER TOML_EXTERNAL_LINKAGE node* table::get(std::string_view key) noexcept { if (auto it = map_.find(key); it != map_.end()) return it->second.get(); return nullptr; } TOML_EXTERNAL_LINKAGE node& table::at(std::string_view key) { auto n = get(key); #if TOML_COMPILER_HAS_EXCEPTIONS if (!n) { auto err = "key '"s; err.append(key); err.append("' not found in table"sv); throw std::out_of_range{ err }; } #else TOML_ASSERT_ASSUME(n && "key not found in table!"); #endif return *n; } TOML_PURE_GETTER TOML_EXTERNAL_LINKAGE table::map_iterator table::get_lower_bound(std::string_view key) noexcept { return map_.lower_bound(key); } TOML_PURE_GETTER TOML_EXTERNAL_LINKAGE table::iterator table::find(std::string_view key) noexcept { return iterator{ map_.find(key) }; } TOML_PURE_GETTER TOML_EXTERNAL_LINKAGE table::const_iterator table::find(std::string_view key) const noexcept { return const_iterator{ map_.find(key) }; } TOML_EXTERNAL_LINKAGE table::map_iterator table::erase(const_map_iterator pos) noexcept { return map_.erase(pos); } TOML_EXTERNAL_LINKAGE table::map_iterator table::erase(const_map_iterator begin, const_map_iterator end) noexcept { return map_.erase(begin, end); } TOML_EXTERNAL_LINKAGE size_t table::erase(std::string_view key) noexcept { if (auto it = map_.find(key); it != map_.end()) { map_.erase(it); return size_t{ 1 }; } return size_t{}; } TOML_EXTERNAL_LINKAGE table& table::prune(bool recursive)& noexcept { if (map_.empty()) return *this; for (auto it = map_.begin(); it != map_.end();) { if (auto arr = it->second->as_array()) { if (recursive) arr->prune(true); if (arr->empty()) { it = map_.erase(it); continue; } } else if (auto tbl = it->second->as_table()) { if (recursive) tbl->prune(true); if (tbl->empty()) { it = map_.erase(it); continue; } } it++; } return *this; } TOML_EXTERNAL_LINKAGE void table::clear() noexcept { map_.clear(); } TOML_EXTERNAL_LINKAGE table::map_iterator table::insert_with_hint(const_iterator hint, key && k, impl::node_ptr && v) { return map_.emplace_hint(const_map_iterator{ hint }, std::move(k), std::move(v)); } TOML_PURE_GETTER TOML_EXTERNAL_LINKAGE bool TOML_CALLCONV table::equal(const table& lhs, const table& rhs) noexcept { if (&lhs == &rhs) return true; if (lhs.map_.size() != rhs.map_.size()) return false; for (auto l = lhs.map_.begin(), r = rhs.map_.begin(), e = lhs.map_.end(); l != e; l++, r++) { if (l->first != r->first) return false; const auto lhs_type = l->second->type(); const node& rhs_ = *r->second; const auto rhs_type = rhs_.type(); if (lhs_type != rhs_type) return false; const bool equal = l->second->visit( [&](const auto& lhs_) noexcept { return lhs_ == *reinterpret_cast*>(&rhs_); }); if (!equal) return false; } return true; } } TOML_NAMESPACE_END; #include "header_end.hpp"