project( 'openssl', 'c', version: '3.0.8', license : 'Apache-2.0', meson_version: '>= 0.55', default_options: [ 'warning_level=1', ], ) # Make sure to generate configs in case they are not already fs = import('fs') if not fs.exists('generated-config') message('Generating OpenSSL configs...') if host_machine.system() != 'linux' error('Generator only works on Linux, other platforms are not supported') endif bash = find_program('bash') run_command( bash, '', check: true, env: ['OPENSSL_VERSION=' + meson.project_version()], ) endif include_directories = [ 'include', 'crypto', 'crypto/modes', 'crypto/ec/curve448', 'crypto/ec/curve448/arch_32', 'providers/common/include', 'providers/implementations/include', ] compiler = meson.get_compiler('c') dependencies = [ # TODO: Make this optionally added once we have threading configurable via options dependency('threads'), ] defines = [ # Compile out hardware engines. Most are stubs that dynamically load # the real driver but that poses a security liability when an attacker # is able to create a malicious DLL in one of the default search paths. 'OPENSSL_NO_HW', ] c_args = [] asm_opt = get_option('asm') if asm_opt.disabled() gas_or_nasm = false else gas_or_nasm = ( find_program('as', required: false).found() or find_program('nasm', required: false).found() ) endif is_bsd = host_machine.system() in ['dragonfly', 'freebsd', 'netbsd', 'openbsd'] is_darwin = host_machine.system() == 'darwin' is_linux = host_machine.system() in ['linux', 'android'] is_sunos = host_machine.system() == 'sunos' is_windows = host_machine.system() == 'windows' is_x86 = host_machine.cpu_family() == 'x86' is_x86_64 = host_machine.cpu_family() == 'x86_64' is_aarch64 = host_machine.cpu_family() == 'aarch64' is_mips64 = host_machine.cpu_family() == 'mips64' is_s390x = host_machine.cpu_family() == 's390x' is_arm = host_machine.cpu_family() == 'arm' is_ppc64 = host_machine.cpu_family() == 'ppc64' is_riskv64 = host_machine.cpu_family() == 'riscv64' if gas_or_nasm asm = 'asm' if is_bsd if is_x86 arch_subdir = 'BSD-x86' elif is_x86_64 arch_subdir = 'BSD-x86_64' else asm = 'no-asm' endif elif is_darwin if is_aarch64 arch_subdir = 'darwin64-arm64-cc' elif is_x86_64 arch_subdir = 'darwin64-x86_64-cc' elif is_x86 arch_subdir = 'darwin-i386-cc' else asm = 'no-asm' endif elif is_linux if is_mips64 arch_subdir = 'linux64-mips64' elif is_s390x arch_subdir = 'linux64-s390x' elif is_aarch64 arch_subdir = 'linux-aarch64' elif is_arm arch_subdir = 'linux-armv4' elif is_ppc64 arch_subdir = 'linux-ppc64le' elif is_x86 arch_subdir = 'linux-elf' elif is_x86_64 arch_subdir = 'linux-x86_64' else asm = 'no-asm' endif elif is_sunos if is_x86_64 arch_subdir = 'solaris64-x86_64-gcc' elif is_x86 arch_subdir = 'solaris-x86-gcc' else asm = 'no-asm' endif elif is_windows if is_x86 warning('x86 + windows combo does not support ASM yet, please contribute') asm = 'no-asm' # TODO: Port this for Windows and uncomment # arch_subdir = 'VC-WIN32' # asm = 'asm' #'rules': [ # { # 'rule_name': 'Assemble', # 'extension': 'asm', # 'inputs': [], # 'outputs': [ # '<(INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/<(RULE_INPUT_ROOT).obj', # ], # 'action': [ # 'nasm.exe', # '-f win32', # '-o', '<(INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/<(RULE_INPUT_ROOT).obj', # '<(RULE_INPUT_PATH)', # ], # } #], elif is_x86_64 warning('x86_64 + windows combo does not support ASM yet, please contribute') asm = 'no-asm' # TODO: Port this for Windows and uncomment # arch_subdir = 'VC-WIN64A' # asm = 'asm' #'rules': [ # { # 'rule_name': 'Assemble', # 'extension': 'asm', # 'inputs': [], # 'outputs': [ # '<(INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/<(RULE_INPUT_ROOT).obj', # ], # 'action': [ # 'nasm.exe', # '-f win64', # '-DNEAR', # '-Ox', # '-g', # '-o', '<(INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/<(RULE_INPUT_ROOT).obj', # '<(RULE_INPUT_PATH)', # ], # } #], else asm = 'no-asm' endif else asm = 'no-asm' endif elif asm_opt.enabled() error('Neither GNU Assembler nor Netwide Assembler were found, cannot use use "asm=enabled" option') else asm = 'no-asm' endif if asm == 'no-asm' defines += ['OPENSSL_NO_ASM'] error_message = 'Unsupported arch+OS combo: ' + host_machine.cpu_family() + ' + ' + host_machine.system() if is_bsd if is_x86 arch_subdir = 'BSD-x86' elif is_x86_64 arch_subdir = 'BSD-x86_64' else error(error_message) endif elif is_darwin if is_aarch64 arch_subdir = 'darwin64-arm64-cc' elif is_x86_64 arch_subdir = 'darwin64-x86_64-cc' elif is_x86 arch_subdir = 'darwin-i386-cc' else error(error_message) endif elif is_linux if is_mips64 arch_subdir = 'linux64-mips64' elif is_riskv64 arch_subdir = 'linux64-riscv64' elif is_s390x arch_subdir = 'linux64-s390x' elif is_aarch64 arch_subdir = 'linux-aarch64' elif is_arm arch_subdir = 'linux-armv4' elif is_ppc64 arch_subdir = 'linux-ppc64le' elif is_x86 arch_subdir = 'linux-elf' elif is_x86_64 arch_subdir = 'linux-x86_64' else error(error_message) endif elif is_sunos if is_x86_64 arch_subdir = 'solaris64-x86_64-gcc' elif is_x86 arch_subdir = 'solaris-x86-gcc' else error(error_message) endif elif is_windows if is_x86 arch_subdir = 'VC-WIN32' elif is_aarch64 arch_subdir = 'VC-WIN64-ARM' elif is_x86_64 arch_subdir = 'VC-WIN64A' else error(error_message) endif else error(error_message) endif message('OpenSSL is configured without ASM support') else message('OpenSSL is configured with ASM support') endif subdir('generated-config/archs' / arch_subdir / asm) # Build options specific to OS, engines are disabled on purpose for the same reasons as `OPENSSL_NO_HW` above if is_windows defines += [ ## default of Win. See INSTALL in openssl repo. 'OPENSSLDIR="C:\\Program Files\\Common Files\\SSL"', 'ENGINESDIR="NUL"', 'MODULESDIR="NUL"', 'OPENSSL_SYS_WIN32', 'WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN', 'L_ENDIAN', '_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE', 'UNICODE', '_UNICODE', ] if compiler.get_id() == 'msvc' c_args += [ '-wd4090', '-Gs0', '-GF', '-Gy', '-nologo', ] endif elif is_darwin defines += [ 'OPENSSLDIR="/System/Library/OpenSSL/"', 'ENGINESDIR="/dev/null"', 'MODULESDIR="/dev/null"', ] c_args += [ '-Wno-missing-field-initializers', ] elif is_sunos defines += [ 'OPENSSLDIR="/etc/ssl"', 'ENGINESDIR="/dev/null"', 'MODULESDIR="/dev/null"', '__EXTENSIONS__' ] else # Linux and others defines += [ 'OPENSSLDIR="/etc/ssl"', 'ENGINESDIR="/dev/null"', 'MODULESDIR="/dev/null"', ] c_args += [ '-Wno-missing-field-initializers', ] if compiler.get_id() != 'clang' c_args += [ '-Wno-old-style-declaration', ] endif endif foreach library: openssl_libraries # MSVC fails with "ERROR: C static library 'ws2_32' not found" when `static` is specified at all if compiler.get_id() == 'msvc' dependencies += [ compiler.find_library(library), ] else dependencies += [ compiler.find_library( library, static: get_option('default_library') == 'static', ), ] endif endforeach # We may need to add some defines for static builds if get_option('default_library') == 'static' defines += [ 'OSSL_CRYPTO_DSO_CONF_H', 'DSO_NONE', 'DSO_EXTENSION=".so"', 'OPENSSL_NO_DSO', ] endif foreach define : defines + openssl_defines c_args += ['-D' + define] endforeach c_args += openssl_cflags include_directories += openssl_include_directories libcrypto_lib = library( 'crypto', dependencies: dependencies, sources: libcrypto_sources, include_directories: include_directories, c_args: c_args, vs_module_defs: 'crypto.def', install: true, ) libcrypto_dep = declare_dependency( include_directories: include_directories, dependencies: dependencies, link_with: libcrypto_lib, ) libssl_lib = library( 'ssl', dependencies: dependencies + [libcrypto_dep], sources: libssl_sources, include_directories: include_directories, c_args: c_args, vs_module_defs: 'ssl.def', install: true, ) libssl_dep = declare_dependency( include_directories: include_directories, dependencies: dependencies + [libcrypto_dep], link_with: libssl_lib, ) openssl_dep = declare_dependency( dependencies: [libcrypto_dep, libssl_dep], ) openssl_cli_directories = include_directories + [ 'apps/include' ] cli_opt = get_option('build_cli') openssl_cli = executable( 'openssl', build_by_default: cli_opt, dependencies: dependencies + [openssl_dep], sources: openssl_cli_sources, include_directories: openssl_cli_directories, c_args: c_args, install: cli_opt, )