Compare commits


No commits in common. "main" and "windows" have entirely different histories.

30 changed files with 273 additions and 2434 deletions

View file

@ -5,18 +5,14 @@ AlignConsecutiveDeclarations: true
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SpacesBeforeTrailingComments: 1 SpacesBeforeTrailingComments: 1

View file

@ -1,29 +1,25 @@
# noinspection SpellCheckingInspection
Checks: > Checks: >
*, *,
-ctad-maybe-unsupported, -abseil-*,
-abseil-*, -altera-*,
-altera-*, -bugprone-easily-swappable-parameters,
-bugprone-easily-swappable-parameters, -bugprone-implicit-widening-of-multiplication-result,
-bugprone-implicit-widening-of-multiplication-result, -concurrency-mt-unsafe,
-cert-env33-c, -cppcoreguidelines-avoid-magic-numbers,
-concurrency-mt-unsafe, -cppcoreguidelines-owning-memory,
-cppcoreguidelines-avoid-magic-numbers, -cppcoreguidelines-pro-type-member-init,
-cppcoreguidelines-owning-memory, -fuchsia-*,
-cppcoreguidelines-pro-type-member-init, -google-*,
-cppcoreguidelines-pro-type-vararg, -hicpp-*,
-fuchsia-*, -llvm-include-order,
-google-*, -llvm-include-order,
-hicpp-*, -llvmlibc-*,
-llvm-include-order, -misc-non-private-member-variables-in-classes,
-llvm-include-order, -modernize-use-trailing-return-type,
-llvm-namespace-comment, -readability-braces-around-statements,
-llvmlibc-*, -readability-implicit-bool-conversion,
-misc-non-private-member-variables-in-classes, -readability-isolate-declaration,
-readability-braces-around-statements, -readability-magic-numbers
CheckOptions: CheckOptions:
readability-identifier-naming.ClassCase: CamelCase readability-identifier-naming.ClassCase: CamelCase
readability-identifier-naming.EnumCase: CamelCase readability-identifier-naming.EnumCase: CamelCase

View file

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
Suppress: >

View file

@ -1 +0,0 @@

.gitignore vendored
View file

@ -1,25 +1,2 @@
.idea/ .idea/
.vs/ cmake-build-*/

CMakeLists.txt Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.28)
add_executable(draconis__ main.cpp
find_package(fmt CONFIG REQUIRED)
find_package(cppwinrt CONFIG REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(draconis__ PRIVATE fmt::fmt-header-only)
target_link_libraries(draconis__ PRIVATE WindowsApp)

View file

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"rev": "c1dfcf08411b08f6b8615f7d8971a2bfa81d5e8a",
"type": "github"
"original": {
"owner": "numtide",
"repo": "flake-utils",
"type": "github"
"root": "root",
"version": 7

View file

@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
description = "C/C++ environment";
inputs = {
nixvim.url = "github:pupbrained/nvim-config";
nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs";
treefmt-nix.url = "github:numtide/treefmt-nix";
utils.url = "github:numtide/flake-utils";
outputs = {
utils.lib.eachDefaultSystem (
system: let
pkgs = import nixpkgs {inherit system;};
stdenv =
if pkgs.hostPlatform.isLinux
then pkgs.stdenvAdapters.useMoldLinker pkgs.llvmPackages_18.stdenv
else pkgs.llvmPackages_18.stdenv;
sources = import ./_sources/generated.nix {
inherit (pkgs) fetchFromGitHub fetchgit fetchurl dockerTools;
mkPkg = name:
pkgs.pkgsStatic.${name}.overrideAttrs {
inherit (sources.${name}) pname version src;
fmt = mkPkg "fmt";
tomlplusplus = mkPkg "tomlplusplus";
yyjson = mkPkg "yyjson";
sdbus-cpp = pkgs.sdbus-cpp.overrideAttrs {
inherit (sources.sdbus-cpp) pname version src;
reflect-cpp = stdenv.mkDerivation {
inherit (sources.reflect-cpp) pname version src;
nativeBuildInputs = with pkgs; [cmake ninja pkg-config];
cmakeFlags = [
deps = with pkgs.pkgsStatic;
++ linuxPkgs
++ darwinPkgs;
linuxPkgs = nixpkgs.lib.optionals stdenv.isLinux (with pkgs; [
darwinPkgs = nixpkgs.lib.optionals stdenv.isDarwin (with pkgs.pkgsStatic.darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks; [
with pkgs; {
packages = rec {
draconisplusplus = stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "draconis++";
version = "0.1.0";
src = self;
nativeBuildInputs = [
buildInputs = deps;
configurePhase = ''
meson setup build
buildPhase = ''
meson compile -C build
installPhase = ''
mkdir -p $out/bin
mv build/draconis++ $out/bin/draconis++
default = draconisplusplus;
formatter = treefmt-nix.lib.mkWrapper pkgs {
projectRootFile = "flake.nix";
programs = {
alejandra.enable = true;
deadnix.enable = true;
clang-format = {
enable = true;
package = pkgs.clang-tools_18;
devShell = mkShell.override {inherit stdenv;} {
packages =
(writeScriptBin "build" "meson compile -C build")
(writeScriptBin "clean" "meson setup build --wipe")
(writeScriptBin "run" "meson compile -C build && build/draconis++")
++ deps;
name = "C++";

main.cpp Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
#include <fmt/chrono.h>
#include <fmt/core.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
#include <winrt/Windows.Foundation.h> // ReSharper disable once CppUnusedIncludeDirective
#include <winrt/Windows.Media.Control.h>
#include <winrt/base.h>
#include <winrt/impl/>
#include "util.h"
using namespace winrt;
using namespace winrt::Windows::Media::Control;
struct KBToGiB {
u64 value;
template <>
struct fmt::formatter<KBToGiB> : formatter<double> {
template <typename FormatContext>
typename FormatContext::iterator
format(const KBToGiB KTG, FormatContext& ctx) {
typename FormatContext::iterator out = formatter<double>::format(
static_cast<double>(KTG.value) / pow(1024, 2), ctx
*out++ = 'G';
*out++ = 'i';
*out++ = 'B';
return out;
enum DateNum : u8 { Ones, Twos, Threes, Default };
DateNum ParseDate(std::string const& input) {
if (input == "1" || input == "21" || input == "31") return Ones;
if (input == "2" || input == "22") return Twos;
if (input == "3" || input == "23") return Threes;
return Default;
std::string GetNowPlaying() {
using namespace winrt::Windows::Media::Control;
using namespace winrt::Windows::Foundation;
using MediaProperties =
using Session = GlobalSystemMediaTransportControlsSession;
using SessionManager = GlobalSystemMediaTransportControlsSessionManager;
try {
// Request the session manager asynchronously
const IAsyncOperation<SessionManager> sessionManagerOp =
const SessionManager sessionManager = sessionManagerOp.get();
if (const Session currentSession = sessionManager.GetCurrentSession()) {
// Try to get the media properties asynchronously
const IAsyncOperation<MediaProperties> mediaPropertiesOp =
const MediaProperties mediaProperties = mediaPropertiesOp.get();
// Convert the hstring title to std::string
return to_string(mediaProperties.Title());
// If we reach this point, there is no current session
return "No current media session.";
} catch (...) { return "Failed to get media properties."; }
std::string GetRegistryValue(
const HKEY& hKey,
const std::string& subKey,
const std::string& valueName
) {
HKEY key = nullptr;
if (RegOpenKeyExA(hKey, subKey.c_str(), 0, KEY_READ, &key) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
return "";
DWORD dataSize = 0;
if (RegQueryValueExA(
key, valueName.c_str(), nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, &dataSize
return "";
std::string value(dataSize, '\0');
if (RegQueryValueExA(
reinterpret_cast<LPBYTE>(, // NOLINT(*-reinterpret-cast)
return "";
// Remove null terminator if present
if (!value.empty() && value.back() == '\0') value.pop_back();
return value;
std::string GetPrettyWindowsName() {
std::string productName = GetRegistryValue(
R"(SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion)",
const std::string displayVersion = GetRegistryValue(
R"(SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion)",
const std::string releaseId = GetRegistryValue(
R"(SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion)",
const int buildNumber = stoi(GetRegistryValue(
R"(SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion)",
fmt::println("Build number: {}", buildNumber);
// Check if the build number is 22000 or higher
if (buildNumber >= 22000 &&
productName.find("Windows 10") != std::string::npos)
productName.replace(productName.find("Windows 10"), 10, "Windows 11");
if (!productName.empty()) {
std::string result = productName;
if (!displayVersion.empty())
result += " " + displayVersion;
else if (!releaseId.empty())
result += " " + releaseId;
return result;
return "";
int main() {
u64 memInfo = 0;
fmt::println("Installed RAM: {:.2f}", KBToGiB {memInfo});
fmt::println("Now playing: {}", GetNowPlaying());
const std::tm localTime = fmt::localtime(time(nullptr));
std::string date = fmt::format("{:%e}", localTime);
auto start = date.begin();
while (start != date.end() && std::isspace(*start)) ++start;
date.erase(date.begin(), start);
switch (ParseDate(date)) {
case Ones:
date += "st";
case Twos:
date += "nd";
case Threes:
date += "rd";
case Default:
date += "th";
fmt::println("{:%B} {}, {:%-I:%0M %p}", localTime, date, localTime);
fmt::println("Version: {}", GetPrettyWindowsName());
return 0;

View file

@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
'draconis++', 'cpp',
version: '0.1.0',
default_options: [
cpp = meson.get_compiler('cpp')
if host_machine.system() == 'darwin'
objcpp = meson.get_compiler('objcpp')
language: 'objcpp'
common_cpp_args = [
if host_machine.system() == 'windows'
common_cpp_args += ['-DCURL_STATICLIB']
language: 'cpp'
source_file_names = [
if host_machine.system() == 'linux'
source_file_names += ['src/os/linux.cpp']
elif host_machine.system() == 'freebsd'
source_file_names += ['src/os/freebsd.cpp']
elif host_machine.system() == 'darwin'
source_file_names += [
elif host_machine.system() == 'windows'
source_file_names += ['src/os/windows.cpp']
sources = []
foreach file : source_file_names
sources += files(file)
deps = [
if host_machine.system() == 'darwin'
deps += dependency('Foundation')
deps += dependency('MediaPlayer')
deps += dependency('SystemConfiguration')
deps += dependency('iconv')
elif host_machine.system() == 'linux' or host_machine.system() == 'freebsd'
deps += dependency('sdbus-c++')
deps += dependency('x11')
objc_args = []
link_args = []
if host_machine.system() == 'darwin'
objc_args += ['-fobjc-arc']
elif host_machine.system() == 'windows'
windows_sdk_lib_dir = 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Windows Kits/10/Lib/10.0.22621.0/um/x64'
link_args += ['-L' + windows_sdk_lib_dir, '-lwindowsapp', '-static']
objc_args: objc_args,
link_args: link_args,
dependencies: deps

View file

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
src.github = "fmtlib/fmt"
fetch.github = "fmtlib/fmt"
src.github = "getml/reflect-cpp"
fetch.github = "getml/reflect-cpp"
src.github = "kistler-group/sdbus-cpp"
fetch.github = "kistler-group/sdbus-cpp"
src.github = "marzer/tomlplusplus"
fetch.github = "marzer/tomlplusplus"
src.github = "ibireme/yyjson"
fetch.github = "ibireme/yyjson"

View file

@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
#include <cstdlib>
#include <filesystem>
#include <fmt/core.h>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include "config.h"
using rfl::Result;
namespace fs = std::filesystem;
inline fn GetConfigPath() -> std::string {
#ifdef _WIN32
const char* localAppData = std::getenv("LOCALAPPDATA");
if (!localAppData)
throw std::runtime_error("Environment variable LOCALAPPDATA is not set");
return localAppData;
const char* home = std::getenv("HOME");
if (!home)
throw std::runtime_error("Environment variable HOME is not set");
return std::string(home) + "/.config";
fn Config::getInstance() -> Config {
fs::path configPath = GetConfigPath();
configPath /= "draconis++/config.toml";
const Result<Config> result = rfl::toml::load<Config>(configPath.string());
if (!result) {
fmt::println(stderr, "Failed to load config file: {}", result.error()->what());
return result.value();

View file

@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include <rfl.hpp>
#include <rfl/Field.hpp>
#include "../util/macros.h"
#include "../util/types.h"
#include "weather.h"
using Location = std::variant<string, Coords>;
struct General {
rfl::Field<"name", string> name = "user";
struct NowPlaying {
bool enabled = false;
struct Weather {
bool enabled = false;
Location location;
string api_key;
string units;
[[nodiscard]] fn getWeatherInfo() const -> WeatherOutput;
struct Config {
rfl::Field<"general", General> general = General { .name = "user" };
rfl::Field<"now_playing", NowPlaying> now_playing = NowPlaying();
rfl::Field<"weather", Weather> weather = Weather();
static fn getInstance() -> Config;

View file

@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
#include <chrono>
#include <curl/curl.h>
#include <fmt/core.h>
#include <rfl/json.hpp>
#include <rfl/json/load.hpp>
#include "config.h"
using rfl::Error;
using rfl::Result;
// Function to read cache from file
fn ReadCacheFromFile() -> Result<WeatherOutput> {
#ifdef __WIN32__
const char* tempPath = getenv("TEMP");
const string path = string(tempPath) + "\\weather_cache.json";
std::ifstream ifs(path);
std::ifstream ifs("/tmp/weather_cache.json");
if (!ifs.is_open())
return Error("Cache file not found.");
fmt::println("Reading from cache file...");
std::stringstream buf;
buf << ifs.rdbuf();
Result<WeatherOutput> val = rfl::json::read<WeatherOutput>(buf.str());
fmt::println("Successfully read from cache file.");
return val;
// Function to write cache to file
fn WriteCacheToFile(const WeatherOutput& data) -> Result<u8> {
fmt::println("Writing to cache file...");
#ifdef __WIN32__
const char* tempPath = getenv("TEMP");
const string path = string(tempPath) + "\\weather_cache.json";
std::ofstream ofs(path);
std::ofstream ofs("/tmp/weather_cache.json");
if (!ofs.is_open())
return Error("Failed to open cache file for writing.");
ofs << rfl::json::write(data);
fmt::println("Successfully wrote to cache file.");
return 0;
fn WriteCallback(void* contents, const usize size, const usize nmemb, string* str) -> usize {
const usize totalSize = size * nmemb;
str->append(static_cast<char*>(contents), totalSize);
return totalSize;
// Function to make API request
fn MakeApiRequest(const string& url) -> Result<WeatherOutput> {
fmt::println("Making API request to URL: {}", url);
CURL* curl = curl_easy_init();
string responseBuffer;
if (curl) {
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, url.c_str());
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, WriteCallback);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, &responseBuffer);
const CURLcode res = curl_easy_perform(curl);
if (res != CURLE_OK)
return Error(fmt::format("Failed to perform cURL request: {}", curl_easy_strerror(res)));
fmt::println("Received response from API. Response size: {}", responseBuffer.size());
fmt::println("Response: {}", responseBuffer);
WeatherOutput output = rfl::json::read<WeatherOutput>(responseBuffer).value();
return output; // Return an empty result for now
return Error("Failed to initialize cURL.");
// Core function to get weather information
fn Weather::getWeatherInfo() const -> WeatherOutput {
using namespace std::chrono;
// Check if cache is valid
if (Result<WeatherOutput> data = ReadCacheFromFile()) {
WeatherOutput dataVal = *data;
if (system_clock::now() - system_clock::time_point(seconds(dataVal.dt)) < minutes(10)) {
fmt::println("Cache is valid. Returning cached data.");
return dataVal;
fmt::println("Cache is expired.");
} else {
fmt::println("No valid cache found.");
WeatherOutput result;
if (holds_alternative<string>(location)) {
const string city = get<string>(location);
const char* loc = curl_easy_escape(nullptr, city.c_str(), static_cast<int>(city.length()));
fmt::println("City: {}", loc);
const string apiUrl = fmt::format(
result = MakeApiRequest(apiUrl).value();
} else {
const auto [lat, lon] = get<Coords>(location);
fmt::println("Coordinates: lat = {:.3f}, lon = {:.3f}", lat, lon);
const string apiUrl = fmt::format(
result = MakeApiRequest(apiUrl).value();
// Update the cache with the new data
fmt::println("Returning new data.");
return result;

View file

@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include <rfl.hpp>
#include <rfl/toml.hpp>
#include "../util/types.h"
using degrees = rfl::Validator<u16, rfl::Minimum<0>, rfl::Maximum<360>>;
using percentage = rfl::Validator<i8, rfl::Minimum<0>, rfl::Maximum<100>>;
struct Condition {
string description;
string icon;
string main;
usize id;
struct Main {
f64 feels_like;
f64 temp;
f64 temp_max;
f64 temp_min;
isize pressure;
percentage humidity;
std::optional<isize> grnd_level;
std::optional<isize> sea_level;
struct Wind {
degrees deg;
f64 speed;
std::optional<f64> gust;
struct Precipitation {
rfl::Rename<"1h", f64> one_hour;
rfl::Rename<"3h", f64> three_hours;
struct Sys {
string country;
usize id;
usize sunrise;
usize sunset;
usize type;
struct Clouds {
percentage all;
struct Coords {
double lat;
double lon;
struct WeatherOutput {
Clouds clouds;
isize timezone;
isize visibility;
Main main;
rfl::Rename<"coord", Coords> coords;
std::optional<Precipitation> rain;
std::optional<Precipitation> snow;
string base;
string name;
std::vector<Condition> weather;
Sys sys;
usize cod;
usize dt;
usize id;
Wind wind;

View file

@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
#include <ctime>
#include <fmt/chrono.h>
#include <fmt/core.h>
#include <fmt/format.h>
#include <string>
#include "config/config.h"
#include "os/os.h"
struct BytesToGiB {
u64 value;
// 1024^3 (size of 1 GiB)
constexpr u64 GIB = 1'073'741'824;
template <>
struct fmt::formatter<BytesToGiB> : fmt::formatter<double> {
template <typename FmtCtx>
constexpr auto format(const BytesToGiB& BTG, FmtCtx& ctx) const -> typename FmtCtx::iterator {
auto out = fmt::formatter<double>::format(static_cast<double>(BTG.value) / GIB, ctx);
*out++ = 'G';
*out++ = 'i';
*out++ = 'B';
return out;
fn GetDate() -> std::string {
// Get current local time
std::time_t now = std::time(nullptr);
std::tm localTime = *std::localtime(&now);
// Format the date using fmt::format
std::string date = fmt::format("{:%e}", localTime);
// Remove leading whitespace
if (!date.empty() && std::isspace(date.front()))
// Append appropriate suffix for the date
if (date == "1" || date == "21" || date == "31")
date += "st";
else if (date == "2" || date == "22")
date += "nd";
else if (date == "3" || date == "23")
date += "rd";
date += "th";
return fmt::format("{:%B} {}", localTime, date);
fn main() -> i32 {
const Config& config = Config::getInstance();
// Fetching weather information
Weather weather =;
WeatherOutput weatherInfo = weather.getWeatherInfo();
// Fetching OS version
std::string osVersion = GetOSVersion();
// Checking if now playing is enabled
bool nowPlayingEnabled = config.now_playing.get().enabled;
// Fetching current date
std::string date = GetDate();
// Fetching memory info
u64 memInfo = GetMemInfo();
const std::string& name = config.general.get().name.get();
fmt::println("Hello {}!", name);
fmt::println("Today is: {}", date);
fmt::println("Installed RAM: {:.2f}", BytesToGiB(memInfo));
fmt::println("OS: {}", osVersion);
if (weather.enabled)
fmt::println("It is {}°F in {}", std::lround(weatherInfo.main.temp),;
if (nowPlayingEnabled) {
const string nowPlaying = GetNowPlaying();
if (!nowPlaying.empty())
fmt::println("{}", nowPlaying);
fmt::println("No song playing");
return 0;

View file

@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
#ifdef __FreeBSD__
#include <fmt/format.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <sys/sysctl.h>
#include <sdbus-c++/sdbus-c++.h>
#include "os.h"
fn GetMemInfo() -> u64 {
u64 mem = 0;
usize size = sizeof(mem);
sysctlbyname("hw.physmem", &mem, &size, nullptr, 0);
return mem;
fn GetOSVersion() -> string {
std::ifstream file("/etc/os-release");
if (!file.is_open()) {
std::cerr << "Failed to open /etc/os-release" << std::endl;
return ""; // Return empty string indicating failure
string line;
const string prefix = "PRETTY_NAME=";
while (std::getline(file, line)) {
if (line.find(prefix) == 0) {
string prettyName = line.substr(prefix.size());
// Remove surrounding quotes if present
if (!prettyName.empty() && prettyName.front() == '"' && prettyName.back() == '"')
prettyName = prettyName.substr(1, prettyName.size() - 2);
return prettyName;
return ""; // Return empty string if PRETTY_NAME= line not found
fn GetMprisPlayers(sdbus::IConnection& connection) -> std::vector<string> {
const sdbus::ServiceName dbusInterface = sdbus::ServiceName("org.freedesktop.DBus");
const sdbus::ObjectPath dbusObjectPath = sdbus::ObjectPath("/org/freedesktop/DBus");
const char* dbusMethodListNames = "ListNames";
const std::unique_ptr<sdbus::IProxy> dbusProxy =
createProxy(connection, dbusInterface, dbusObjectPath);
std::vector<string> names;
std::vector<string> mprisPlayers;
for (const std::basic_string<char>& name : names)
if (const char* mprisInterfaceName = "org.mpris.MediaPlayer2";
name.find(mprisInterfaceName) != std::string::npos)
return mprisPlayers;
fn GetActivePlayer(const std::vector<string>& mprisPlayers) -> string {
if (!mprisPlayers.empty())
return mprisPlayers.front();
return "";
fn GetNowPlaying() -> string {
try {
const char *playerObjectPath = "/org/mpris/MediaPlayer2",
*playerInterfaceName = "org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player";
std::unique_ptr<sdbus::IConnection> connection = sdbus::createSessionBusConnection();
std::vector<string> mprisPlayers = GetMprisPlayers(*connection);
if (mprisPlayers.empty())
return "";
string activePlayer = GetActivePlayer(mprisPlayers);
if (activePlayer.empty())
return "";
auto playerProxy = sdbus::createProxy(
*connection, sdbus::ServiceName(activePlayer), sdbus::ObjectPath(playerObjectPath)
sdbus::Variant metadataVariant =
if (metadataVariant.containsValueOfType<std::map<std::string, sdbus::Variant>>()) {
const auto& metadata = metadataVariant.get<std::map<std::string, sdbus::Variant>>();
auto iter = metadata.find("xesam:title");
if (iter != metadata.end() && iter->second.containsValueOfType<std::string>())
return iter->second.get<std::string>();
} catch (const sdbus::Error& e) {
if (e.getName() != "com.github.altdesktop.playerctld.NoActivePlayer")
return fmt::format("Error: {}", e.what());
return "No active player";
return "";

View file

@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
#ifdef __linux__
#include <cstring>
#include <filesystem>
#include <fmt/format.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <sdbus-c++/sdbus-c++.h>
#include <vector>
#include "os.h"
enum SessionType { Wayland, X11, TTY, Unknown };
fn ParseLineAsNumber(const std::string& input) -> u64 {
usize start = input.find_first_of("0123456789");
if (start == std::string::npos)
throw std::runtime_error("No number found in input");
usize end = input.find_first_not_of("0123456789", start);
return std::stoull(input.substr(start, end - start));
fn MeminfoParse(const std::filesystem::path& filepath) -> u64 {
std::ifstream input(filepath);
if (!input.is_open())
throw std::runtime_error("Failed to open " + filepath.string());
std::string line;
while (std::getline(input, line))
if (line.starts_with("MemTotal"))
return ParseLineAsNumber(line);
throw std::runtime_error("MemTotal line not found in " + filepath.string());
fn GetMemInfo() -> u64 { return MeminfoParse("/proc/meminfo") * 1024; }
fn GetOSVersion() -> std::string {
std::ifstream file("/etc/os-release");
if (!file.is_open())
throw std::runtime_error("Failed to open /etc/os-release");
string line;
const string prefix = "PRETTY_NAME=";
while (std::getline(file, line))
if (line.starts_with(prefix)) {
string prettyName = line.substr(prefix.size());
if (!prettyName.empty() && prettyName.front() == '"' && prettyName.back() == '"')
return prettyName.substr(1, prettyName.size() - 2);
return prettyName;
throw std::runtime_error("PRETTY_NAME line not found in /etc/os-release");
fn GetMprisPlayers(sdbus::IConnection& connection) -> std::vector<string> {
const sdbus::ServiceName dbusInterface = sdbus::ServiceName("org.freedesktop.DBus");
const sdbus::ObjectPath dbusObjectPath = sdbus::ObjectPath("/org/freedesktop/DBus");
const char* dbusMethodListNames = "ListNames";
const std::unique_ptr<sdbus::IProxy> dbusProxy =
createProxy(connection, dbusInterface, dbusObjectPath);
std::vector<string> names;
std::vector<string> mprisPlayers;
for (const std::basic_string<char>& name : names)
if (const char* mprisInterfaceName = "org.mpris.MediaPlayer2";
name.find(mprisInterfaceName) != std::string::npos)
return mprisPlayers;
fn GetActivePlayer(const std::vector<string>& mprisPlayers) -> string {
if (!mprisPlayers.empty())
return mprisPlayers.front();
return "";
fn GetNowPlaying() -> string {
try {
const char *playerObjectPath = "/org/mpris/MediaPlayer2",
*playerInterfaceName = "org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player";
std::unique_ptr<sdbus::IConnection> connection = sdbus::createSessionBusConnection();
std::vector<string> mprisPlayers = GetMprisPlayers(*connection);
if (mprisPlayers.empty())
return "";
string activePlayer = GetActivePlayer(mprisPlayers);
if (activePlayer.empty())
return "";
auto playerProxy = sdbus::createProxy(
*connection, sdbus::ServiceName(activePlayer), sdbus::ObjectPath(playerObjectPath)
sdbus::Variant metadataVariant =
if (metadataVariant.containsValueOfType<std::map<std::string, sdbus::Variant>>()) {
const auto& metadata = metadataVariant.get<std::map<std::string, sdbus::Variant>>();
auto iter = metadata.find("xesam:title");
if (iter != metadata.end() && iter->second.containsValueOfType<std::string>())
return iter->second.get<std::string>();
} catch (const sdbus::Error& e) {
if (e.getName() != "com.github.altdesktop.playerctld.NoActivePlayer")
return fmt::format("Error: {}", e.what());
return "No active player";
return "";

View file

@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
#ifdef __APPLE__
#include <sys/sysctl.h>
#include "macos/bridge.h"
#include "os.h"
fn GetMemInfo() -> u64 {
u64 mem = 0;
usize size = sizeof(mem);
sysctlbyname("hw.memsize", &mem, &size, nullptr, 0);
return mem;
fn GetNowPlaying() -> string {
if (const char* title = GetCurrentPlayingTitle(); const char* artist = GetCurrentPlayingArtist())
return "Now Playing: " + string(artist) + " - " + string(title);
return "No song playing";
fn GetOSVersion() -> string { return GetMacOSVersion(); }
fn GetDesktopEnvironment() -> string { return "Aqua"; }

View file

@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#ifdef __APPLE__
#include "../../util/macros.h"
#ifdef __OBJC__
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@interface Bridge : NSObject
+ (NSDictionary*)currentPlayingMetadata;
+ (NSString*)macOSVersion;
extern "C" {
fn GetCurrentPlayingTitle() -> const char*;
fn GetCurrentPlayingArtist() -> const char*;
fn GetMacOSVersion() -> const char*;

View file

@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
#ifdef __APPLE__
#import <dispatch/dispatch.h>
#import <objc/runtime.h>
#import "bridge.h"
using MRMediaRemoteGetNowPlayingInfoFunction =
void (*)(dispatch_queue_t queue, void (^handler)(NSDictionary* information));
@implementation Bridge
+ (NSDictionary*)currentPlayingMetadata {
CFURLRef ref = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(
if (!ref) {
NSLog(@"Failed to load MediaRemote framework");
return nil;
CFBundleRef bundle = CFBundleCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, ref);
if (!bundle) {
NSLog(@"Failed to load MediaRemote framework");
return nil;
MRMediaRemoteGetNowPlayingInfoFunction mrMediaRemoteGetNowPlayingInfo =
CFBundleGetFunctionPointerForName(bundle, CFSTR("MRMediaRemoteGetNowPlayingInfo"))
if (!mrMediaRemoteGetNowPlayingInfo) {
NSLog(@"Failed to get function pointer for MRMediaRemoteGetNowPlayingInfo");
return nil;
__block NSDictionary* nowPlayingInfo = nil;
dispatch_semaphore_t semaphore = dispatch_semaphore_create(0);
dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0),
^(NSDictionary* information) {
nowPlayingInfo = [information copy];
dispatch_semaphore_wait(semaphore, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER);
return nowPlayingInfo;
+ (NSString*)macOSVersion {
NSProcessInfo* processInfo = [NSProcessInfo processInfo];
NSOperatingSystemVersion osVersion = [processInfo operatingSystemVersion];
NSString* version;
if (osVersion.patchVersion == 0) {
version =
[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%ld.%ld", osVersion.majorVersion, osVersion.minorVersion];
} else {
version = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%ld.%ld.%ld",
// Dictionary to map macOS versions to their respective names
NSDictionary<NSNumber*, NSString*>* versionNames =
@{ @11 : @"Big Sur", @12 : @"Monterey", @13 : @"Ventura", @14 : @"Sonoma", @15 : @"Sequoia" };
NSNumber* majorVersionNumber = @(osVersion.majorVersion);
NSString* versionName = versionNames[majorVersionNumber];
if (versionName == nil)
versionName = @"Unknown";
NSString* fullVersion = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"macOS %@ %@", version, versionName];
return fullVersion;
extern "C" {
fn GetCurrentPlayingTitle() -> const char* {
NSDictionary* metadata = [Bridge currentPlayingMetadata];
if (metadata == nil)
return nullptr;
NSString* title = [metadata objectForKey:@"kMRMediaRemoteNowPlayingInfoTitle"];
if (title)
return strdup([title UTF8String]);
return nullptr;
fn GetCurrentPlayingArtist() -> const char* {
NSDictionary* metadata = [Bridge currentPlayingMetadata];
if (metadata == nil)
return nullptr;
NSString* artist = [metadata objectForKey:@"kMRMediaRemoteNowPlayingInfoArtist"];
if (artist)
return strdup([artist UTF8String]);
return nullptr;
fn GetMacOSVersion() -> const char* {
NSString* version = [Bridge macOSVersion];
if (version)
return strdup([version UTF8String]);
return nullptr;

View file

@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include "../util/macros.h"
#include "../util/types.h"
* @brief Get the amount of installed RAM in bytes.
fn GetMemInfo() -> u64;
* @brief Get the currently playing song metadata.
fn GetNowPlaying() -> string;
* @brief Get the OS version.
fn GetOSVersion() -> string;
* @brief Get the current desktop environment.
fn GetDesktopEnvironment() -> string;
* @brief Get the current window manager.
fn GetWindowManager() -> string;

View file

@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
#ifdef __WIN32__
#include <exception>
#include <windows.h>
#include <winrt/Windows.Foundation.h>
#include <winrt/Windows.Media.Control.h>
#include <winrt/base.h>
#include <winrt/impl/Windows.Media.Control.2.h>
#include "os.h"
fn GetMemInfo() -> u64 {
u64 mem = 0;
return mem * 1024;
fn GetNowPlaying() -> string {
using namespace winrt::Windows::Media::Control;
using namespace winrt::Windows::Foundation;
using MediaProperties = GlobalSystemMediaTransportControlsSessionMediaProperties;
using Session = GlobalSystemMediaTransportControlsSession;
using SessionManager = GlobalSystemMediaTransportControlsSessionManager;
try {
// Request the session manager asynchronously
const IAsyncOperation<SessionManager> sessionManagerOp = SessionManager::RequestAsync();
const SessionManager sessionManager = sessionManagerOp.get();
if (const Session currentSession = sessionManager.GetCurrentSession()) {
// Try to get the media properties asynchronously
const MediaProperties mediaProperties = currentSession.TryGetMediaPropertiesAsync().get();
// Convert the hstring title to string
return to_string(mediaProperties.Title());
// If we reach this point, there is no current session
return "No current media session.";
} catch (...) { return "Failed to get media properties."; }
fn GetRegistryValue(const HKEY& hKey, const string& subKey, const string& valueName) -> string {
HKEY key = nullptr;
if (RegOpenKeyExA(hKey, subKey.c_str(), 0, KEY_READ, &key) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
return "";
DWORD dataSize = 0;
if (RegQueryValueExA(key, valueName.c_str(), nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, &dataSize) !=
return "";
string value(dataSize, '\0');
if (RegQueryValueExA(
reinterpret_cast<LPBYTE>(, // NOLINT(*-reinterpret-cast)
return "";
// Remove null terminator if present
if (!value.empty() && value.back() == '\0')
return value;
fn GetOSVersion() -> string {
string productName = GetRegistryValue(
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, R"(SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion)", "ProductName"
const string displayVersion = GetRegistryValue(
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, R"(SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion)", "DisplayVersion"
const string releaseId = GetRegistryValue(
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, R"(SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion)", "ReleaseId"
// Check for Windows 11
if (const i32 buildNumber = stoi(GetRegistryValue(
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, R"(SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion)", "CurrentBuildNumber"
buildNumber >= 22000 && productName.find("Windows 10") != string::npos)
productName.replace(productName.find("Windows 10"), 10, "Windows 11");
if (!productName.empty()) {
string result = productName;
if (!displayVersion.empty())
result += " " + displayVersion;
else if (!releaseId.empty())
result += " " + releaseId;
return result;
return "";

View file

@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
* @brief Allows for rust-style function definitions
#define fn auto
* @brief Allows for easy getter creation
* @param class_name The class to use
* @param type Type of the getter
* @param name Name of the getter
#define DEFINE_GETTER(class_name, type, name) \
fn class_name::get##name() const->type { return m_##name; }
* @brief Helper for making reflect-cpp impls
* @param struct_name The struct name
* @param lower_name The arg name
* @param ... Values of the class to convert
#define DEF_IMPL(struct_name, ...) \
struct struct_name##Impl { \
__VA_ARGS__; \
static fn from_class(const struct_name& instance) noexcept -> struct_name##Impl; \
[[nodiscard]] fn to_class() const -> struct_name; \

View file

@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include <stdexcept>
#include <utility>
#include <variant>
#include "macros.h"
#include "types.h"
* @class Error
* @brief Represents an error with a message.
* This class is used to encapsulate error messages that can be returned from functions.
class Error {
* @brief Constructs an Error with a message.
* @param message The error message.
explicit Error(string message) : m_Message(std::move(message)) {}
* @brief Retrieves the error message.
* @return A constant reference to the error message string.
[[nodiscard]] fn message() const -> const string& { return m_Message; }
string m_Message; ///< The error message.
// Primary template for Result with a default type of void
* @class Result
* @brief Represents a result that can either be a value or an error.
* This is the primary template for Result, which defaults to handling void results.
template <typename T = void>
class Result;
// Specialization for Result<void>
* @class Result<void>
* @brief Specialization of Result for handling void results.
* This class is used when a function either succeeds with no value or fails with an error.
template <>
class Result<void> {
* @brief Constructs a successful Result.
Result() : m_Result(std::monostate {}) {}
* @brief Constructs an error Result.
* @param error The error object.
Result(const Error& error) : m_Result(error) {}
* @brief Constructs an error Result.
* @param error An rvalue reference to the error object.
Result(Error&& error) : m_Result(std::move(error)) {}
* @brief Checks if the Result is successful.
* @return True if the Result is successful, otherwise false.
[[nodiscard]] fn isOk() const -> bool { return std::holds_alternative<std::monostate>(m_Result); }
* @brief Checks if the Result contains an error.
* @return True if the Result contains an error, otherwise false.
[[nodiscard]] fn isErr() const -> bool { return std::holds_alternative<Error>(m_Result); }
* @brief Throws an exception if the Result contains an error.
* This function should be called only if the Result is successful.
void value() const {
if (isErr()) {
throw std::logic_error("Attempted to access value of an error Result");
* @brief Retrieves the error object.
* @return A constant reference to the Error object.
* @throws std::logic_error if the Result is successful.
[[nodiscard]] fn error() const -> const Error& {
if (isOk()) {
throw std::logic_error("Attempted to access error of an ok Result");
return std::get<Error>(m_Result);
std::variant<std::monostate, Error>
m_Result; ///< The underlying result, which can be either void or an Error.
// Primary template for Result
* @class Result
* @brief Represents a result that can either be a value of type T or an error.
* This template class is used to handle results that can either be a successful value or an error.
* @tparam T The type of the successful value.
template <typename T>
class Result {
* @brief Constructs a successful Result with a value.
* @param value The value of the Result.
Result(const T& value) : m_Result(value) {}
* @brief Constructs a successful Result with a value.
* @param value An rvalue reference to the value.
Result(T&& value) : m_Result(std::move(value)) {}
* @brief Constructs an error Result.
* @param error The error object.
Result(const Error& error) : m_Result(error) {}
* @brief Constructs an error Result.
* @param error An rvalue reference to the error object.
Result(Error&& error) : m_Result(std::move(error)) {}
* @brief Checks if the Result is successful.
* @return True if the Result is successful, otherwise false.
[[nodiscard]] fn isOk() const -> bool { return std::holds_alternative<T>(m_Result); }
* @brief Checks if the Result contains an error.
* @return True if the Result contains an error, otherwise false.
[[nodiscard]] fn isErr() const -> bool { return std::holds_alternative<Error>(m_Result); }
* @brief Retrieves the value.
* @return A constant reference to the value.
* @throws std::logic_error if the Result contains an error.
fn value() const -> const T& {
if (isErr()) {
throw std::logic_error("Attempted to access value of an error Result");
return std::get<T>(m_Result);
* @brief Retrieves the error object.
* @return A constant reference to the Error object.
* @throws std::logic_error if the Result is successful.
[[nodiscard]] fn error() const -> const Error& {
if (isOk()) {
throw std::logic_error("Attempted to access error of an ok Result");
return std::get<Error>(m_Result);
* @brief Retrieves the value or returns a default value.
* @param defaultValue The default value to return if the Result contains an error.
* @return The value if the Result is successful, otherwise the default value.
fn valueOr(const T& defaultValue) const -> T {
return isOk() ? std::get<T>(m_Result) : defaultValue;
std::variant<T, Error>
m_Result; ///< The underlying result, which can be either a value of type T or an Error.
* @brief Helper function to create a successful Result.
* This function deduces the type of the value and creates a successful Result.
* @tparam T The type of the value.
* @param value The value to be stored in the Result.
* @return A Result object containing the value.
template <typename T>
fn Ok(T&& value) {
return Result<std::decay_t<T>>(std::forward<T>(value));
* @brief Helper function to create a successful Result<void>.
* This function creates a successful Result that does not contain a value.
* @return A Result<void> object indicating success.
inline fn Ok() -> Result<void> { return {}; }

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@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <string>
* @typedef u8
* @brief Represents an 8-bit unsigned integer.
* This type alias is used for 8-bit unsigned integers, ranging from 0 to 255.
* It is based on the std::uint8_t type.
using u8 = std::uint8_t;
* @typedef u16
* @brief Represents a 16-bit unsigned integer.
* This type alias is used for 16-bit unsigned integers, ranging from 0 to 65,535.
* It is based on the std::uint16_t type.
using u16 = std::uint16_t;
* @typedef u32
* @brief Represents a 32-bit unsigned integer.
* This type alias is used for 32-bit unsigned integers, ranging from 0 to 4,294,967,295.
* It is based on the std::uint32_t type.
using u32 = std::uint32_t;
* @typedef u64
* @brief Represents a 64-bit unsigned integer.
* This type alias is used for 64-bit unsigned integers, ranging from 0 to
* 18,446,744,073,709,551,615. It is based on the std::uint64_t type.
using u64 = std::uint64_t;
// Type Aliases for Signed Integers
* @typedef i8
* @brief Represents an 8-bit signed integer.
* This type alias is used for 8-bit signed integers, ranging from -128 to 127.
* It is based on the std::int8_t type.
using i8 = std::int8_t;
* @typedef i16
* @brief Represents a 16-bit signed integer.
* This type alias is used for 16-bit signed integers, ranging from -32,768 to 32,767.
* It is based on the std::int16_t type.
using i16 = std::int16_t;
* @typedef i32
* @brief Represents a 32-bit signed integer.
* This type alias is used for 32-bit signed integers, ranging from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647.
* It is based on the std::int32_t type.
using i32 = std::int32_t;
* @typedef i64
* @brief Represents a 64-bit signed integer.
* This type alias is used for 64-bit signed integers, ranging from -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to
* 9,223,372,036,854,775,807. It is based on the std::int64_t type.
using i64 = std::int64_t;
// Type Aliases for Floating-Point Numbers
* @typedef f32
* @brief Represents a 32-bit floating-point number.
* This type alias is used for 32-bit floating-point numbers, which follow the IEEE 754 standard.
* It is based on the float type.
using f32 = float;
* @typedef f64
* @brief Represents a 64-bit floating-point number.
* This type alias is used for 64-bit floating-point numbers, which follow the IEEE 754 standard.
* It is based on the double type.
using f64 = double;
// Type Aliases for Size Types
* @typedef usize
* @brief Represents an unsigned size type.
* This type alias is used for representing the size of objects in bytes.
* It is based on the std::size_t type, which is the result type of the sizeof operator.
using usize = std::size_t;
* @typedef isize
* @brief Represents a signed size type.
* This type alias is used for representing pointer differences.
* It is based on the std::ptrdiff_t type, which is the signed integer type returned when
* subtracting two pointers.
using isize = std::ptrdiff_t;
* @typedef string
* @brief Represents a string.
using string = std::string;

util.h Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
#pragma once
#include <cstdint>
// Unsigned integers
using u8 = std::uint8_t;
using u16 = std::uint16_t;
using u32 = std::uint32_t;
using u64 = std::uint64_t;
// Signed integers
using i8 = std::int8_t;
using i16 = std::int16_t;
using i32 = std::int32_t;
using i64 = std::int64_t;
// Floating-points
using f32 = float;
using f64 = double;
// Size types
using usize = std::size_t;
using isize = std::ptrdiff_t;

vcpkg.json Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
"name" : "draconispp",
"version-string" : "1.0.0",
"builtin-baseline" : "14b91796a68c87bc8d5cb35911b39287ccb7bd95",
"dependencies" : [ {
"name" : "fmt",
"version>=" : "10.2.1#2"
}, {
"name" : "cppwinrt",
"version>=" : "2.0.240111.5"
} ]