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#include <array>
#include <optional>
#include <string_view>
#include <type_traits>
#include <vector>
#include "../Result.hpp"
#include "../internal/is_array.hpp"
#include "Parser_base.hpp"
namespace rfl::parsing {
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template <class R, class W, class ProcessorsType, class T, size_t _size>
class ArrayReader {
using InputVarType = typename R::InputVarType;
static constexpr size_t size_ = _size;
ArrayReader(const R* _r, std::array<T, _size>* _array)
: array_(_array), i_(0), r_(_r) {}
~ArrayReader() = default;
std::optional<Error> check_size() const {
if (i_ != size_) {
return Error("Expected " + std::to_string(size_) + " elements, got " +
std::to_string(i_) + ".");
return std::nullopt;
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std::optional<Error> read(const InputVarType& _var) const {
auto res =
Parser<R, W, std::remove_cvref_t<T>, ProcessorsType>::read(*r_, _var);
if (res) {
move_to(&((*array_)[i_]), &(*res));
} else {
return Error("Failed to parse element " + std::to_string(i_) + ": " +
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return std::nullopt;
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/// Because of the way we have allocated the fields, we need to manually
/// trigger the destructors.
void call_destructors_where_necessary() const {
for (size_t i = 0; i < std::min(i_, size_); ++i) {
if constexpr (!std::is_array_v<T> && std::is_pointer_v<T> &&
std::is_destructible_v<T>) {
} else if constexpr (std::is_array_v<T>) {
auto ptr = (*array_)[i];
call_destructor_on_array(sizeof(*ptr) / sizeof(**ptr), *ptr);
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template <class U>
void call_destructor_on_array(const size_t _size2, U* _ptr) const {
for (size_t i = 0; i < _size2; ++i) {
if constexpr (std::is_array_v<U>) {
call_destructor_on_array(sizeof(*_ptr) / sizeof(**_ptr), *(_ptr + i));
} else if constexpr (std::is_destructible_v<U>) {
(_ptr + i)->~U();
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template <class Target, class Source>
void move_to(Target* _t, Source* _s) const {
if constexpr (std::is_const_v<Target>) {
return move_to(const_cast<std::remove_const_t<Target>*>(_t), _s);
} else if constexpr (!internal::is_array_v<Source> &&
!std::is_array_v<Target>) {
::new (_t) Target(std::move(*_s));
} else if constexpr (internal::is_array_v<Source>) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < _s->arr_.size(); ++i) {
move_to(&((*_t)[i]), &(_s->arr_[i]));
} else {
for (size_t i = 0; i < _s->size(); ++i) {
move_to(&((*_t)[i]), &((*_s)[i]));
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/// The underlying array.
std::array<T, size_>* array_;
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/// Indicates the current field
mutable size_t i_;
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/// The underlying reader.
const R* r_;
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} // namespace rfl::parsing
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