119 lines
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119 lines
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// Copyright 2022 Arthur Sonzogni. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by the MIT license that can be found in
// the LICENSE file.
#include <chrono> // for milliseconds, duration, steady_clock, time_point
#include <functional> // for function
#include "ftxui/component/event.hpp"
namespace ftxui {
namespace animation {
// Components who haven't completed their animation can call this function to
// request a new frame to be drawn later.
// When there is no new events and no animations to complete, no new frame is
// drawn.
void RequestAnimationFrame();
using Clock = std::chrono::steady_clock;
using TimePoint = std::chrono::time_point<Clock>;
using Duration = std::chrono::duration<float>;
// Parameter of Component::OnAnimation(param).
class Params {
Params(Duration duration) : duration_(duration) {}
/// The duration this animation step represents.
Duration duration() const { return duration_; }
Duration duration_;
namespace easing {
using Function = std::function<float(float)>;
// Linear interpolation (no easing)
float Linear(float p);
// Quadratic easing; p^2
float QuadraticIn(float p);
float QuadraticOut(float p);
float QuadraticInOut(float p);
// Cubic easing; p^3
float CubicIn(float p);
float CubicOut(float p);
float CubicInOut(float p);
// Quartic easing; p^4
float QuarticIn(float p);
float QuarticOut(float p);
float QuarticInOut(float p);
// Quintic easing; p^5
float QuinticIn(float p);
float QuinticOut(float p);
float QuinticInOut(float p);
// Sine wave easing; sin(p * PI/2)
float SineIn(float p);
float SineOut(float p);
float SineInOut(float p);
// Circular easing; sqrt(1 - p^2)
float CircularIn(float p);
float CircularOut(float p);
float CircularInOut(float p);
// Exponential easing, base 2
float ExponentialIn(float p);
float ExponentialOut(float p);
float ExponentialInOut(float p);
// Exponentially-damped sine wave easing
float ElasticIn(float p);
float ElasticOut(float p);
float ElasticInOut(float p);
// Overshooting cubic easing;
float BackIn(float p);
float BackOut(float p);
float BackInOut(float p);
// Exponentially-decaying bounce easing
float BounceIn(float p);
float BounceOut(float p);
float BounceInOut(float p);
} // namespace easing
class Animator {
Animator(float* from,
float to = 0.f,
Duration duration = std::chrono::milliseconds(250),
easing::Function easing_function = easing::Linear,
Duration delay = std::chrono::milliseconds(0));
void OnAnimation(Params&);
float to() const { return to_; }
float* value_;
float from_;
float to_;
Duration duration_;
easing::Function easing_function_;
Duration current_;
} // namespace animation
} // namespace ftxui
#endif /* end of include guard: FTXUI_ANIMATION_HPP */