2024-05-31 22:59:00 -04:00
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include "../../Literal.hpp"
#include "../../define_literal.hpp"
#include "../../make_named_tuple.hpp"
#include "../StringLiteral.hpp"
namespace rfl {
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namespace internal {
namespace enums {
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template <class EnumType, class LiteralType, size_t N, auto... _enums>
struct Names {
/// Contains a collection of enums as compile-time strings.
using Literal = LiteralType;
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/// The number of possible values
constexpr static size_t size = N;
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/// A list of all the possible enums
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constexpr static std::array<EnumType, N> enums_ = std::array<EnumType, N> { _enums... };
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static_assert(N == 0 || LiteralType::size() == N, "Size of literal and enum do not match.");
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template <class NewLiteral, auto _new_enum>
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using AddOneType = std::conditional_t<
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N == 0,
Names<EnumType, NewLiteral, 1, _new_enum>,
Names<EnumType, define_literal_t<LiteralType, NewLiteral>, N + 1, _enums..., _new_enum>>;
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template <class EnumType, size_t N, StringLiteral... _names, auto... _enums>
auto names_to_enumerator_named_tuple(Names<EnumType, Literal<_names...>, N, _enums...>) {
return make_named_tuple(Field<_names, EnumType> { _enums }...);
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template <class EnumType, size_t N, StringLiteral... _names, auto... _enums>
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auto names_to_underlying_enumerator_named_tuple(Names<
_enums...>) {
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return make_named_tuple(Field<_names, std::underlying_type_t<EnumType>> {
static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<EnumType>>(_enums) }...);
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template <class EnumType, size_t N, StringLiteral... _names, auto... _enums>
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constexpr std::array<std::pair<std::string_view, EnumType>, N>
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names_to_enumerator_array(Names<EnumType, Literal<_names...>, N, _enums...>) {
return { std::make_pair(LiteralHelper<_names>::field_.string_view(), _enums)... };
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template <class EnumType, size_t N, StringLiteral... _names, auto... _enums>
constexpr std::array<std::pair<std::string_view, std::underlying_type_t<EnumType>>, N>
names_to_underlying_enumerator_array(Names<EnumType, Literal<_names...>, N, _enums...>) {
return { std::make_pair(
)... };
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} // namespace enums
} // namespace internal
} // namespace rfl
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